Communal events around the world will mark the Shloshim of the untimely passing of Esty Aidel (Rubin) Cohen, 26th of Mar Cheshvan, Wednesday Nov. 3rd at 8pm.

Shloshim to Mark the Untimly Passing of Esty Cohen

Communal events around the world will mark the Shloshim of the untimely passing of Esty Aidel (Rubin) Cohen, 26th of Mar Cheshvan, Wednesday Nov. 3rd at 8pm.

The Shloshim events will be held in Albany, NY where Esty was born and raised, in Melbourne, Australia and in Manchester, England, where she assisted her husband in his communal duties, and raised their six children.

Esty’s Beis Rivkah Classmates participated Monday night in a inspiring class conference call/farbrengen, while Shluchim and Anash worldwide have completed the whole Mishnayos multiple times in her memory.

The “Remembering Esty” booklet can be downloaded by Clicking Here.

Family, friends and fellow shluchos are compiling a booklet of Esty memories and reflections at, to submit a memory of your own email: Visit the blog in here memory here.

Esty’s parents and siblings, Mr. Morris Losice, President of Shomray Torah, and a representative of Esty’s Bais Rivka classmates will speak at the Shloshim observance.

Esty’s husband Rabbi Menachem Mendel Cohen and children is expected to arrive in Albany Wednesday evening. Uncles of the Cohens, the Mashpia Harav Y.M. Gurarie and Rabbi Moshe Chanowitz of Montreal, and Harav Efraim Piekarski of Brooklyn, will attend.