UPDATES: Election Coverage in Crown Heights

By 12:30pm over 500 have already turned out to vote for who will be the third Rov in Crown Heights. Activists are hanging out near the polling station and trying to persuade any undecided voter.

12:30pm: 500 votes

1:20pm: 700 votes

3:00pm: 900 votes

6:10pm: 1325 votes

6:20pm: Sources at the polling station say that there are very little turnout amongst the younger crowd of voters.

9:18pm: 1800 votes

10:00pm: final vote count 1992


  • Vote Bogo NOW!


    Do you want another Zalman Lipskier getting in because you think your vote doesn’t matter?

    Only this time…IT’S FOR LIFE!!!!

  • we need more of the young people!

    people! wake up! the more votes, the better!! please pick yourselves up and go vote!

  • SitingOut

    Give me more than 10 days to decide who should sit for the rest of his life and then I’ll think about voting.

  • we need more of the young people!

    we dont have time now!
    please, whatever oppinion you have it doesnt matter! find out from someone you really trust about the candidates. talk to the candidates themselves or their endorsers. do whatever is helpful.
    But Vote! you dont know how much you count!

  • ch

    of course they (Mendel H) gave 10 days. If it was more than everyone would have time to find out all the garbage about braun. This is why they kept saying that mangel is in, is not in etc. to stall till the last minute

  • Berl of Crown

    Mazal toiv, Harav Broun and rabbi Schwei!

    A big nitzachon for the Rebbe Melech Hamoshiach.

  • Nothing will change

    The Beis din is a circus and will remain so for the foreseeable future. Yechi Hamelech! If you have a dispute look to have it settled by another Beis Din.

  • cle

    all this “machlokus” (in parentheses because its too dignified of a word to use for this shtuss idiocy) is because these people need to GET A LIFE. You need excitement in your life? Go to the gym. Better yet, get a therapist. I won’t even say go to a mashpia becuase you probably do go to one that is just as metragesh as you are, so that isnt helping.
    But really you need something in your life to give you tefus. Doing excitement for this and other what you call politics is just plain old bad self confidence.