“We did not Endorse Rabbi Braun!” proclaimed one letter signed by Kollel Yungerlight.
“We have suffered from enough Mashloikes in Sydney, and I do not want to be entangled in any issues of Machloikes in Crown Heights” writes Rabbi Pinchus Feldman of Sydney.
The campaign of deceit and misinformation
Special Interest Group Turn Elections Dirty, Deceitful
“We did not Endorse Rabbi Braun!” proclaimed one letter signed by Kollel Yungerlight.
“We have suffered from enough Mashloikes in Sydney, and I do not want to be entangled in any issues of Machloikes in Crown Heights” writes Rabbi Pinchus Feldman of Sydney.
The campaign of deceit and misinformation
Earlier this week a letter signed by 38 Kollel Yungerlight was distributed as if it were an endorsement of sorts for Rabbi Yosef Braun. A letter that was distributed late last night signed by 12 of the same individuals cry foul. It was only meant for Rabbis Osdoba and Rabbi Schwei, and was on the condition that it not be publicized.
See letter:
Another letter by Rabbi Pinchus Feldman of Sydney, Australia was publicized online and delivered to Crown Heights homes makes it seem like he is endorsing Rabbi Braun, and that the allegations that he was involved in the Machloikes down under are false.
Rabbi Feldman issued a second letter clarifying that his community has suffered enough of its own Machloikesim and he has no interest in getting involved in Crown Heightses Machloikesim as well:
Rabbi Shimon Raichik of California was touted as one who endorsed Rabbi Braun for Rabbonus. In a curt email cc’ed to us by Rabbi Raichik he writes “THIS IS NOT TRUE”.
Hate and Slander
In the elections for Gaboim instead of campaigning for peace one of the candidates got up and unleashed a tirade of hate towards one of the candidates for Vaad. Yosef Boruch Shpielman was booed off the platform by attendees.
Once again he unleashed a barrage of hate directed squarely at Rabbi Moshe Bogomilsky in a letter published online, as well as being printed and distributed to homes by this special interest group. The booklet proudly proclaims “Rabbi Bogomilsky: the Candidate of the Ba’alei Machlokes!”
The booklet goes on to say that elect Shady Bogo and get Yossel Katzman, Herhskop/Shomrim Gang, Dovid Fisher, and the rest of our community’s troublemakers.
More shocking then booklet itself was someone who saw it fit to go to Oholei Torah elementary and distribute it to the children there.
So who printed it? And who distributed it in Oholei Torah for children to bring home?
Special interest groups in Crown Heights have always thrown their weight around and coxed officials to bend to their will, to a moderate degree of success, which led to an inevitable fracture within our community. The recent Din Torah by a Zablo Beis Din sought to end to reign of these special interests by electing a new Vaad Hakohol, and to fill the vacuum left by a deadlocked Beis Din.
Instead of ushering in this new era and embracing the positive change that was to come, the same special interests jumped right back in to the heat of the fight, but the community saw through it and ousted them along with all their supporters and backers.
This is once again OUR chance to put an end to this, come out and vote for whats right. Vote for peace.
I got a pile of flyers on my door
this morning, and guess what, I threw the whole lot out without reading them. All politics are corrupt and I wish to be no part of it, especially on the threshold of Rosh Haashona.
There Is Hope
Rabbosai, it’s happening. The shells are falling away and the Emes is starting to come out. Please G-d let it come all the way. Let this election be the beginning of the end to golus. We CAN do it, the Rebbe,MHM said so.It is in our power. What happens here affects the entire world.
throw him out
who does shpilmen thing he is. he better ask mechila in public!!! from rabbi bagomilsky ASAP!!!
Inda Know
How can it become dirty. It’s been dirty from the get go. Mangel. no Mangel. Eat on Tisha B“Av / don’t eat on Tisha B”Av.
Forget the dirt. Get the low down truths. Vote righteous.
i hate ch radichels/yechi
go # 1 ur right
same old machloikes mongers
finaly we get a rov who is a man for himself, unlike osdoba and ‘his people’ and schwei and ‘his people’ and MENDY HENDEL (mhm) and co. are running wild.
i was in y and b where they printed the shmutz against rabbi bogomilsky and i saw LEIB SKOBLO there helping them fold it. but BAZEL GILAD, who is FISHEL BROWNSTEINS assistant and consults for MENDY HENDEL was the one who paid for the printing.
get a job!!!!
ok im not from crown heights , but for g-d sakes can everyone just GET A LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!
Holy Cow, this is a total joke and entirely absurd, pick a rov, and get over it! man o man, too many people dont have jobs in crown heights and sit a whole day scheming up stupid letters and emails talking bad about other people, cmon guys get a grip of yourselves, get jobs, and love other jews, the rabbis are all great, we are all jews, live peace and harmony with JOBS!!!
Import/Not a Native
I have non-Lubavitch guests coming to me for Shabbos and I’m trashing every piece of paper you’ve printed and distributed around Crown Heights. I invite my friends to see the beauty and the kedusha of Crown Heights, not the machlokes and paper waste.
Postpone Elections
whosoever idea was to hold such touchy elections right before Rosh Hashana was a genius.
it’s good this is what we’re all busy with days before such an important yom tov, and a week and a half away fro the yom hadin …
Glad I moved away from all this stuff.
Oholei Torah...
Is there no staff member there the oversees what’s going on during dismissal?
Feif on di Velt.
Vote Braun and meshichism (MHM shlita etc.)
Prolong the pain.
Listen to youth (Braun says) but keep missing the subtext. They do not, cannot, will not, live the Lubavitch-Fundamentalist line.
Keep listening, Rabbi Braun. Listen to the Crown Heights kids. Ignore and abandon the Sydney ones. They don’t count anyway. No long range career potential there.
Tell us that Rabbi Feldmans numerous mentions of machloikess in his letter (that you tried to use as a recomendation – the big lie again) that there is no machloikess.
Well NOW there is. A machloikess between you and Feldman as to whether there is a machloikess in Sydney.
OK folks it gets boring from here on out, because now those jumping to support Braun will start a machloikess as to whether in fact it is a machloikess between Braun and Feldman “that there is a machloikess in Sydney.”
Get the drift. A peek at the future (R”L).
BH. What is the meaning of the word “sholom”? every person is different from the other, does a person have to change his nature to conform to another’s nature? the answer is NO, each has his own specific purpose, for which his neshomo came to this physical world to fulfill, similar to the human body, where all the limbs have different functions, but when united they promote a healthy body. this is what The Tanya says about Jews, that we all are one spiritual body, to be like a healthy body, we have to realize, that we DEPEND on each other, in everything pertaining to our “bonei chayei umzonei revocho. When a person gives tzdoko, this is like he is giving HIMSELF an injection for refua, like it says ”tzedoko tatzil mimovet”, to the one who gave it. When you criticize another Jew, you are expressing your OWN deficiency in you’r spiritual body, because you are refusing the benefit of that spiritual limb. what is in the spiritual, descends into the physical. The answer is Torah. We see this in the arba minim. where specifically DIFFERENT species are held TOGETHER, with a strip of the lulov, and lulov represents TORAH. It’s good for our health. Then we can be sure to have a SHONO TOIVO gematria TOIV HANIRE VHANIGLE for all.
If Braun loses this election, his career advancement will be a disaster. He is now on record saying there is no machloikess in Sydney, when Rabbi Feldman says “we have had enough machloikess…”
A shakran noch tzu der tzu? And all the “chassidisheh mashpiyim” (you know, the “true chassidim”) will not notice it because he is a yechi-nick.
I don’t understand…in his video interview R.Broin said there was no machloikes in Sidney…. R.Feldman says in his letter they suffered from machlokes… who is lying? If there was no machloikes why is there two communities, wasn’t Broin’s a breakaway from Feldman?
Aren’t you all ashamed of yourselves?
The entire world sees your websites and your comments, and it is full of loshon horoh, rechilus and sinass chinam. all that the Rebbeim and chassidus are opposed to. Oh yes, and of course the Torah Hakdosha itself.
Rabbonus is supposed to be associated with Torah, derech eretz, menchlickeit and daled chalkei shulchan oruch and beyond!
What is it with all this nasty rhetoric? Kan tzivoh Havaya ess habrochoh, and all this that is going on, is mamosh heipach habrochoh and heipach hakavonoh! so many innocent people are being dragged in to this nonsense.
I hope that the general public won’t be influenced and use their own common sense on whom to vote for.
I wish everyone a KVCH“T LSHT”UM a shnas geuloh v’yeshuoh and a year of seichel.
To all the confused people.
saying we had enough machlokos does not contradict braun saying there is no machlokos.
one is past tense and one is present tense.
there may have been many machlokos, but currently there are none. and the rabbi in Sydney does not want to create another one.
We have a theory – vote for the oldest man, this way if we made a mistake (bc in all honesty no one really knows who’s good or not)- we wont have to suffer with it for the next 40 yrs. just a joke course.
I live in Allentown pa. I am a bal tesuvah.
I can tell you that no shabbos goes by that I don’t read from r bogomilskys books.
He is a eye opener for me and my family. If I lived in ch I would love to have him as my rabbi. Have a sweet year my friends.
Herman Rabb
Yechi HaMelech
We in Crown Heights need to learn something.
Yes, we have baalei machloikess. They do their thing. But it is very amatuer.
In the Hungarian-Frum culture, politics is in the air from day one. Kids in their schools (even the non-chasidishe like Chassan Sofer) political skill is in the air and automatically learnt by anyone who is smart.
Part of that political savvy is the ability to say everything just in the right way and with the right nuance.
Rabbi Braun sounds too good to be true. In my mind this rings alarm bells and lights.
He says he asked the igrois, a mashpia, 3 rabbonim (did I get it right). Now that covers all bases, doen’t it? Makes every shittah happy. If you ask (beleive in )the igrois what has trucking around town for further approval a need for? ANd they all answered the same thing. Did the question include ALL the information needed? Was the question posed differently to different people?
The linkeh are afraid he is a meshichist. We should be concerned that he is only playing that line (it has bought the support of a faction, money spent for him – even though he claims to know nothing about who; and the support of the Brooklyn Dodgers at Ebbets…)
We have no guarantee what he will be saying in a few years down the life-time track. Political winds change, and soothsayers sooth listener by saying soothing things.
For example: If it comes up that they want to push out Cong Lubavitch to build a new strucure, will this politician be tempted to go with it and be the machriya on the bais-din for the kicking out? So that he becaomes a hero of the Merkos shluchim (there are thousands of those who will cheer.) Politicians love to here cheers.
I am concerned that Braun is a professional politician and is just using us.
There is a vort I heard from a smart chosid today: Hungarians only blush if they say the truth.
to #15 - from a Sydney Sider
Unfortunately, Rabbi B is slightly incorrect in his analysis of the instability in Sydney, although i can understand why he would want to make it sound peachy, after all, he can’t just jump across the pond and diss the community that aided him through so much, supported him etc. There was a major machlokes here in Sydney that pretty much drove the community apart, with Feldmans on one side and another party on the other side. It was over a school (and possibly more than that, in my opinion, ego’s played a big role). however, unless i am much mistaken, the machlokes is slowly, but surely mending. of course there are some who would never step into a feldman shule, and others who would never step into the school, but that is becoming more a minority as the years move on (it has now been about 7 years or so since the rift). So, whilst Sydney has had some major issues in the past, it is mending, so Rabbi Braun’s view point is somewhat understandable.
But perhaps i am biased, i have been a student of Rabbi B for a while, and he is an excellent teacher. it pains me to seem him embroiled in this shtus of an election. Why should Rabbanim be elected like a president or prime minister? their jobs are fundamentally different:
It is a ravs job to lead, it is a presidents job to be lead.
This election should come to a halt, especially before Rosh Hashana.
I“m a non Lubavitcher who lives in Flatbush.
I am really scratching my head to understand this ”election“ process for a dayan on the Beis Din.It’s sounds very much like elections between individuals running for Congress including negatives ads vedai lemevinim.
What are responsible people who think about the terrible influences (not only)the youth can learn from this type of rabbonim bashing thinking?There are no winners here.
What should be done in the honest opinion of an outsider is:The old fashioned way where a rov came for a ”probeh”.Each candidate should be allowed to say a number of shiurim and explain some backround about themselves and this election processshould allow no other positive or negative campaigning.
Now you have a massive chilul Hashem on your hands with terrible machloikes in Elul?
C’mon guys you can andshould do better or risk losing credibility
stay true to who you are supposed to be
this whole election is getting absurd…. a rov should be totally impartial and when a vaad does all this advertising and promotions for their rov of choice there has to be some debts by the rov they are tauting…….and why do these letters and ads have to be so filled with loshon hora and woprse since its in print people are being embarrassed in public and when something is on paper and we read it it always stays with us just a little bit ……and lastly even if the rov who they are endorsing has nothing to do with the writing of this loshon hora his name is on the endorsement so he is responsible for it also……..i am begiining to wonder if any rov here is even qualified in terms of midos and derech eretz to be a rov of a community…….its a few days before rosh hashanah and i think everyone involved should be thinking of how to better themselves not tear down others………
Emanuel ....
Braun was put up when people realized that the only rabbi who had a chance to win was a sfardi. So they asked for an extension and last minute they put in Braun who is an ashkenazi.
This is pure racism!
(interesting that the Rabbis name is Emanuel)
to # 18
You might be sitting for a long while with whomever you choose.
“Only the good die young…..”
Thank you Yosef Boruch Shpielman
Thank you for your “booklet.” and all the ‘wisdom’ printed in it, especially erev slichos.
I will tell you that thanks to you, I, and at least another 50 people that I know, will now definitely vote for RABBI BOGOMILSKY.
Such booklets filled with ‘negative campaigning’ ALWAYS backfire.
But one wonders why certain people Always seem to put their foot in their mouths, ie. the booklet, the Shea H. incident, etc. What is it that such people don’t seem to understand?
Goeie Genade!
Get a grip!
GO #7
Think I’m voting for u #7!
# 7
DESERVES to get all the votes.
He sounds normal, like in control of himself.
What a mensch
#1 and #7 give me chizuk that there are a few people left that make SENSE. thanks