A number of noted Rabonim along with Mashpiim and Askonim came out in support of Rabbi Moshe Bogomilsky, a candidate for the position of the third Rov in Crown Heights. Among the endorsements are Rabbi Gavriel Tzinner, Rabbi Moshe Landa, Rabbi Leibel Schapiro and Rabbi Dovid Sochet.
Rabonim, Mashpiim Endorse R. Bogomilsky
A number of noted Rabonim along with Mashpiim and Askonim came out in support of Rabbi Moshe Bogomilsky, a candidate for the position of the third Rov in Crown Heights. Among the endorsements are Rabbi Gavriel Tzinner, Rabbi Moshe Landa, Rabbi Leibel Schapiro and Rabbi Dovid Sochet.
Rabbi Moshe Bogomilsky Preface
Recommendation: Rabbi Gavriel Tzinner
Endorsement: Rabbi Moshe Landa (Hebrew)
Endorsement: Rabbi Leibel Schapiro (Hebrew)
Endorsement: Rabbi Dovid Shochet
Endorsement: Community Members, including Reb Yoel Kahan, Harav S. Segal, Harav Yisroel Friedman, Harav Avrohom Gerlitzky, Harav Efraim Piekarski, Harav Dovid Feldman, Harav Yisroel Shimon Kalmenson, Harav Michoel Seligson, Harav Nochem Kaplan, Harav Shmuel Plotkin, Harav Gedalya Korf, Harav Sholom Ber Futerfas, Rabbi Yankel Goldstein, Boruch Brikman, Mendel Bartfield, Yosef Zakon (Hebrew)
I will be voting for Rabbi Bogomilsky iyh!
which office is he going to work in or is he going to open a third office
Rabbi Landa’s letter doesn’t come up
go bogo
love rabbi schochet’s letter. it really describes rabbi bogomilsky well. i know i will be voting for him. he is really the only choice and a wonderful one at that.
Chasidim Hob Rachmanus
Rabbi Bogomilsky is a man with dignity & class known as Kovod Hatorah. He didn’t give in to child’s play in the circus that Hendel is running. One of the most ridiculous arguments around relates to the youth. One of the primary causes of our spiritual problems is we are asking people to believe in something they know is not true. Aside from the fact that Yiddishkeit did not start in 5754 the yechi issue runs contrary to everything Yidden believed throughout the ages. Yet they make this into R”L a so called mitzva & possibly the only one with all it’s trappings i.e. dollars, Esrog etc. Of course we know that their rebbe shlit is the terrorist mendy hendel. So if this is what you want put Braun into office. He is one of them and will be hendel’s puppet. Fellow Chasidim Have Rachmonus on your Neshomos & your families. We have been sold a pack of Bubbe Maisos. It is Elul a time for change, a time to admit our mistakes. Let’s descend from the silly & false ladder we climbed after Gimmel Tamuz in our frustation to come to terms with reality. On this Rosh Hashana let us renew our commitment to Our Rebbe to be his true Chasidim. Kesiva Vachasima Tova
A. Gilman
number 5 is 100 percent right . Please put on a gartel and vote for the person the Rebbe would want. The Rebbe told Rabbi Chazin in Israel after he was chosen Rov last time not to leave where he is. The choice is obvious.
Mathematician with a nose-plug.
The equation is very simple.
There is only one vote that will bring change.
The other meaningful vote will bring more of the same – for decades.
You may not like the change. I don’t. But there needs to be a change. Once the gridlock is broken, we can, as a community, confront the issue of leadership in hashpaah. Another position, perhaps. Mashpiya of the Schunah. Zaki, are you listening? I am sure the other two on your vaad will agree.
I am putting on the nose-plug, wading my way downstairs through the throngs of women coming for their rally (doesn’t anyone coordinate things?) and voting for…
Mathematician with the nose-plug says
..I will vote Bogomilsky.
He can break the gridlock. Anyone else will only cement it in for generations.
I believe my kabbolas oyl (and others who go by Chabad not emotional Chagas) will bring a ruach of kedusha into him, and into the whole beis-din.
Yechi Moreinu VeRabeinu Harav Moshe Bogomilsky
Perspectives, Raboysay, Perspectives
It is amazing how the Fundementalist-Lubavitchers (meshichisten) suddenly kvetch and drey about such a clear thing the Rebbe said. “He didn’t mean always…” “It was a horaah protis…” (where is the horaah – even protis – otherwise?).
Bring one example where someone had a horaa to leave his post on the front in battle, to go for a career advancement? Even to go for a promotion in rank on another battlefield.
People out in the wider world, are amazed, and concede, that a family moving into town without any intention of leaving – that this gives an incredibly important message. That was the whole point of Shchuna. We are here. We are not moving. This is our chelek ba’olam. Sydney is Braun’s chelek ba’olam. For him Kaan Tzivah is Sydney. For us it is Crown Heights.
Chassidisheh yidden, lozt shoyn op. Chassidus Chabad will not be redeemed by Hungarishe sleuth and shteleh hopping. And when you realize what it is, forit will be too late – for life.
Pack of Bube maisois
#5 Rabbi Bogogomilsky is not a Yechi person but as I know him, he definitely believes that the Rebbe is Moshicach and is waiting impatiently for the Rebbe to come back and for the Rebbe’s Hisgalus like most Lubavichers.
Somebody that thinks that believing that the Rebbe is Moshiach is a ‘pack of bubbe masious’, I strongly recommend that he look for a Rav in Flatbush that will suit him more.
Reference to long letter Recommending
1) You don’t know why Rabbi Braun is ready to leave his Shlichous in Sydney
2) It is true that the Rebbe’s horaah was that you should not leave a position of kedusha to advance your carreer, but this is between Rabbi Braun, The Rebbe and Sydney. When a member of Crown Hieghts goes to vote the only thing he has to think is what is the best thing for Crown Heights.
to number 10 ,number 5 never said that. He meant things like a Rabbi going and telling 14 year old kids that the Rebbe lives in a physical body. Go to 770 on 130 pm on Shabbos and see for yourself. They even pour a cup of wine ,as if the Rebbe is alive in a body. Even Better ask the Gabbai of 770 Reb Z , He was there on gimel Tammuz and does not deny what happened. He looks at it I assume like 2 parties in Chabad. The famous author Dr. Rabbi T. even writes in a indirect way about the mass denial of Chabad. The Rebbe’s vision was to bring closer other non religious Jews. Some people have a vision to just wear a pin. Lets end this Chabad civil war now. I will be saying Tehillim on Sunday that the Rebbe’s will should prevail AG
Chaim Tovim
There are Lubavitchers and Meshichistim. Let’s not get these 2 groups confused. There are those who love the Rebbe and realize that he passed away 3 Tammuz; they are Lubavitchers. There are others that idolize him, and think that 3 Tammuz started some game of cat and mouse: Meshichistim. I pray that they wake up to reality very soon before they lead a generation down a very unsafe and sick road.