CHK on Rav Weismandel’s Removal of AgriStar Hechsher

Many have wondered what prompted Rav Weismandel to remove his Hechsher from the meats produced by AgriStar under the Arons Best and Supreme Kosher labels. The Vaad HaKashrus of Crown Heights released a public notice clarifying that they never gave a Hechsher on anything but the Shor Habor Brand. While other sources suggest that there is more behind it.

Sources told that Heshy Friedman, a Montreal businessman who bought AgriProccessors out of bankruptcy court and later renamed it to AgriStar, wanted to bring in a new Hechsher, namely Tartikov, and Rav Weismandel objected and threatened to remove his certification. Nevertheless Rabonim from the Tartikov Bais Din came to the plant, and after inspection they said that the Hechsher is of the highest standards, and nothing needs to be changed. This still did not satisfy Weismandel and he issued his letter last week.

Another source told us that Mr. Friedman demanded that Rav Weismandel not give his Hechsher on the meats that are being Shechted in Uruguay which ultimately lead to the breakdown and the removal of the Hechsher.

Public Notice

Re: Rav Weismandel’s announcement on Agri Star.

To whom it may concern:

CHK never gave a Hechsher on Arons best, Agri star or Supreme Kosher (there are some differences in the process), CHK only gives a Hechsher on Shor Habor products per the guidelines setup by Rav Marlow Z“l along with yblcht”a Rav Osdoba. So those who ate Arons best & Supreme kosher, have to reexamine their standards if they will continue to eat OU glatt without a chareidi hechsher. It seems that another Hechsher will be replacing Rav Weismandel (and this is the only reason for the change). However, the Shor Habor label is under the supervision of CHK & no changes have been made, since there are no Kashrus problems.

At the same time we wish to inform those who insist that all shochtim (not just Rabbinical Hechsher) must necessarily be Lubavitchers (and not just Chasidim who learn Chabad Chasidus), you should know that you can buy in all the butcher stores 3-4 more Shchitas of beef and chicken with the CHK Hechsher, like David Elliot, Wise organic, Heartland kosher, Ezra (and others when they become available). The Montreal meats are not under CHK at this time.

Until you hear otherwise, the status of Shor Habor remains the same with the same Kashrus standards.

Rabbi Berl Levertov
Kashrus Coordinator
Vaad Hakashrus – CHK


  • Chaim

    As everyone realizes – most people are not particularly interested in the Crown Heights Badatz Hechsher. Besides the fact that – as per the Rebbes instructions when the Badatz was first elected – they mat NOT call themselves “Lubavitch” hechsher or Shchita, so people generally seek a regular good Hechser antway.

  • zev

    what does that last comment mean? which Montreal meats? I am a Montreal’er who would be happy to learn that CHK gives a Hechsher on “Glatts” meat. Is this true?

  • lost in translation

    “At the same time we wish to inform those who insist that all shochtim (not just Rabbinical Hechsher) must necessarily be Lubavitchers (and not just Chasidim who learn Chabad Chasidus”
    can anyone translate this to english? im sorry i don’t understand.

  • Good News

    Its good news that everyone is taking off the Hechsher from Agri Star.

    Personaly, I would not buy any meat that is made in AGRI STAR. Ultimitlely they seem to be the ones had the last lead in throwing out Rubashkin when the banks were Desperate to find a buyer.

    I guess were only left with Shor Habor. (The OU gives a hechsher even on meats wich are not Glatt Kosher).

  • be kosher

    its about time that the rabbonim cant use the hashgach as a way of control so that other hechsherim could also be used.
    and that not all owners control who the rabbis give a hechsher and pepole should be more aware the hashgacha is one big business

  • Chani

    What Bull!! (No pun intended.) Since Friedman took over the Agri company, Weissmandl has had issues, with them pressuring shochtim to work faster. He has had many issues, so much so, that for a while he also fired his son in law, because he claimed that was the source of the problem. As one who trusts R Weissmandl, and has good reason to, I can not buy agri, and this is very upsetting. The letter that R Weissmandl put out, did NOT say that the hashgocha contract was up,, he said I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE ANY LONGER.

  • Rabahjack

    Can Levertov bring a source to this “CHumrah” that you have to eat meat by a “Lubavitcher” Shochet. As far as I understand the Rebbe never had this Chumrah!

  • meni

    rabbi weismandel was the rabbi who made sure everything is done right. the lubavitch rabbis came every 2 months to show their face. without weismandel there is nothing there eat only david eliot

  • Curious...

    Does he mean to claim that when eating CHK, it is without a doubt a Lubavitcher that shechted?

  • Elki

    Too confusing. I’m trying to find out a kashrus issue and unfortunately, I read more about politics and very little information about kashrus. Sad commentary found on all the frum websites, not just CHI. If the Rabbonim can’t keep politics and ego out of kashrus how should the consumer be aware of the truth?

  • Ahavat Yisroel

    There is too much secrecy and miscommunication in the Kashrut business by kosher producers and supervising agencies towards the Kosher consumer.

    And most of it is due to monetary greed cloaked in piety. This results in unheard of price gouging that almost breaks the budget of normal households just trying to feed their families.

    Unfortunately, most people just make due with the higher prices because we want to do the right thing as G-d fearing Jews.

    I don’t know much about AgriStar other than the owner has stated that he is trying to provide Kosher meat at lower prices – a noble intent. How much better would it be for all of us if other food producers and retailers adopted that attitude.

    To be honest, some of the prices have dropped recently and this is probably due to the economy and increased competition.

    But, with the holidays approaching, we need our Rabbanim and community leaders to be vocal advocates, to speak out against this greed, and to fight for lower food prices so that, even in this troubled economy, we can provide kosher food for our families, without sacrificing standards.

  • Milhouse

    To “good news”: What’s wrong with non-glatt? If it’s properly checked, non-glatt is perfectly kosher, at least for Ashkenazim. Do you think in Lubavitch and in Nevel they ate only glatt?!

  • clarification

    As a guy who knows the inside of the schita of the CHK. i could tell all of you, that this letter was written to confuse the people in Lubavitch, that they should think that all CHK is Lubavitch Shochtim, which is not true.
    Especially the name ezra which the rov hamachshir is a personal enemy of the Rebbe and one of the big supporter of the old man in Bnei Brak.
    Today we see that Rabbi Levertov and the CHK are also supporteres of the old man in Bnei Brak.

  • clarifying things

    The posek for OU, Belsky, is also a follower of the deceased one in Bnei Brak and a mecharcher riv enemy of Chabad and all we stand for. I try my best not to use OU as I know of Lubavitcher employees being harassed by the baalei machloikes there.

    And yes, in Lubavitch and Nevel there were many who only ate glatt, if they even could eat beef during the hardest of times. I suspect many made do with chicken if they even could afford fleisch.

  • the truth

    To clarification: I know you phonies who like to bash the CHK. All products need to be checked out, but you use plenty of products that aren’t. You trust any and all hechsherim (aside from CHK), as you have dropped any standards you used to have. I’ve seen it in your homes, your shopping carts. Kashrus is not your concern, and confusion is what YOU are aiming to spread.


    Your Just 2 people looking for to reignite old fights that were over years ago.

    You yourselves say how the Rebbe was involved in starting CHK

    Your intrested in fights and arguments.

  • getzel

    My neighbor here in CH is a former shoichet. When he realized all the going ons at his slaughterhouse he decided he can’t take that kind of ‘achrayos’ on his shoulders any longer. To his credit he quit the whole industry. Further, he doesn’t eat any meat period, not even Shabbosim or Yom Tov’s, his reason, after what he saw as a shoichet he doesn’t trust any hecsher.

  • cher

    to lost in means that unless you are a lubavitcher you can not be a schochet unless you are a lubavitcher.


  • Forget it...

    The meat/poultry from agriStar, however you cut it (no pun intended) has lost it’s high standard of hashgocho. Rabbi Weismandel was the person in charge of kashrus there, he was trustworthy and reliable, even the other hashgochos – including CHK – relied on him. He left, so did that standard, end of story. If CHK would put someone there full time then there might be something to talk about. in the meantime buy David Eliot, they have great prices and I heard they’ve recently begun to do home delivery.

  • Truth in Kashrus

    All hechsherim always rely on the OU for the ingerdients – so at the end of the day, you ARE eating OU. For those who say they won’t rely on an OU hechsher: No point keeping your head buried in the sand.

    Meat or poultry have less kashrus complications than many other products. Once the shchita and melicha is al pi halacha, there is very little need to rely on kulas or hetairim which are resorted to when making other products on trief machinery, using dozens of ingredients that themselves have many other ingredients. Read the ingredients on a cookie – just to get an idea. If you trust the OU on gum / candies / oil – then you can trust them on meat and poultry!!

    If it’s OU Glatt – enjoy it!

  • Truth in Kashrus

    All hechsherim always rely on the OU for the ingerdients – so at the end of the day, you ARE eating OU. For those who say they won’t rely on an OU hechsher: No point keeping your head buried in the sand.

    Meat or poultry have less kashrus complications than many other products. Once the shchita and melicha is al pi halacha, there is very little need to rely on kulas or hetairim which are resorted to when making other products on trief machinery, using dozens of ingredients that themselves have many other ingredients. Read the ingredients on a cookie – just to get an idea. If you trust the OU on gum / candies / oil – then you can trust them on meat and poultry!!

    If it’s OU Glatt – enjoy it!

  • No OU soinim or shills

    I do NOT accept the OU on cookies, candy or oil except beshaas hadchak. The OK also certifies plenty of raw ingredients, and I suspect this post above is a shill for the OU.

  • Yankel

    The largest employer of Shluchim today is the OU. “All over the world Shluchim are Masgichim for the OU. If chassdim prefer the Chumrahs of Chassideshe Schitah that is a something to be lauded It does not mean in any while that other Schechitahs are done improperly.