After speaking to both Rabbis Osdoba and Schwei they told us how they were hurting not only from the false statements in their name in this matter, but many others that have come out over the years. Rabbi Avrohom Osdoba released yesterday this letter in his defense, and that of the Shomrim Six. “Since it has been said in my name as if I heaven forbid gave permission to give over [Masser] and to inform [Malshin] on the members of Shomrim. I am here to clarify that this is a complete and total lie, and it is entirely not in my hands, since this sort of act is prohibited by Halacha in every way possible.”

Rabbi Osdoba: “I Never Gave Permission for Messira C”V!”

After speaking to both Rabbis Osdoba and Schwei they told us how they were hurting not only from the false statements in their name in this matter, but many others that have come out over the years. Rabbi Avrohom Osdoba released yesterday this letter in his defense, and that of the Shomrim Six. “Since it has been said in my name as if I heaven forbid gave permission to give over [Masser] and to inform [Malshin] on the members of Shomrim. I am here to clarify that this is a complete and total lie, and it is entirely not in my hands, since this sort of act is prohibited by Halacha in every way possible.”

Rabbi Osdoba goes on in his letter to clarify how according to Halacha, in Shulchan Aruch Choshen Mishpat, Siman Shin Pey Ches Seiif Tes, and in the Alter Rebbes Shulchan Aruch Choshen Mishpat Dinei Nizkei Mamon Seiif Vov: “it is prohibited to give over a Jew in to the hands of a non-jew both physically and both financially… both to do so in speech to inform on him or to reveal his intentions… and that who does so has no part in the world to come.”

[free translation]

Since there has been said in my name as if I heaven forbid gave permission to give over [Masser] and to inform [Malshin] on the members of Shomrim. I am here to clarify that this is a complete and total lie, and it is entirely not in my hands, since this sort of act is prohibited by Halacha in every way possible. Shulchan Aruch Choshen Mishpat, Siman Shin Pey Ches Seiif Tes, and in the Alter Rebbes Shulchan Aruch Choshen Mishpat Dinei Nizkei Mamon Seiif Vov: “it is prohibited to give over a Jew in to the hands of a non-jew both physically and both financially… both to do so in speech to inform on him or to reveal his intentions… and that who does so has no part in the world to come.”

It is clear and understood that it is permitted to call that police if he need immediate rescuing from a beating but immediately after one must call the parties to a Din Torah, and then it is upon the Beis Din to decide if it is permitted to continue with it.

And even further more in relation to a claim and prosecution that comes two years later, that this has no place to be discussed in the courts at all. As it is explained in the Shailos U’Teshuvos of the Ram”a Siman Pey Ches: “it seems that is isn’t relevant to this discussion, that specifically at that time during his anger it is understandable like is says in the Peskei Merizbur”g, but if he forgot his initial anger is plain and simple that it is not permitted.”

Furthermore, Messira is a horrible sin [lit. “criminal offense”] and is unthinkable [lit. “totally unacceptable”]. If they have any kind of claim, they must bring it before a Beis Din of Jews, and it is absolutely prohibited to indict them and to testify against them in a court of gentiles. As its is explained in the Shulchan Aruch Chosen Mishpat Siman Chof Vov Seiif Alef: “it is prohibited to deliberate before those who worship idols and in their courts…, even if the their law is a equivalent to Jewish law, even if both parties agreed to go before them on a claim, it is prohibited. And those who go before such a court, is an evil person, and it is as if he spites and scorns, curses and raises his hand to the torah of Moshe Rabainu of blessed memory. And it is in the hands of a Beis Din to judge him and excommunicate him [place him in Cherem] until he removes the idol worshipers from above his friends (Mahari”k Shoresh Kuf Nun Daled). And so would they excommunicate any who assists those who go before idol worshippers (Rivas”h Siman Kuf Beis).

This letter comes in direct contrast to that of these ‘alleged victims’ that has been circulating on certain agenda filled websites, and in Pashkvillen on the doorsteps of homes in Crown Heights, claim that they had the permission of Rabbonim to go to court, and that Rabbi Osdoba dismissed the Din Torah.

As we have reported these vicious individuals used the Hazmana to the Din Torah in court attempting to have the six defendants remanded and locked up for the duration of this long, tedious and expensive trial. And these are the same people that so callously twisted and used the names of Rabbonim to further their own agenda, with blatant disregard for the respect of the Rabbonim of this community.

The expenses for such a criminal defense trial amount in the hundreds of thousands of dollars, and this is a matter of Pidyon Shuvim. You can make your donations to the Shomrim Defense Fund by credit card at or call the Shomrim hotline (718) 774-3333 after 6:00pm to arrange someone to come and pick up your contribution. Additionally you can mail in your contribution to: Shomrim Defense Fund 537 East New York Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11225.


  • to bch

    I think its sick that osdiba had to write this letter and sicker that he was misquoted in the first place.

    How is it that we can respect or beleve a piece of paper like the one I found under my door. I’m ashamed I even read it.

    Why is it that our rabonim have to waist time writing such letters in response to such people.

    I think that our rabonim are great. I think that its the very same group of people who continuesly misquote them that are the cuase to lack of proper besdin kashrus and counsel yes and shmira shomrim too.

    Its their own agendas that they want to bring fourth and will do anything to get this done.

    Let us not forget the alta rebbe and the villna goan

    How it was a letter forged in the alta rebbes name that had the vilna goan say and do things that split the yidden of that time.

  • BCH

    It would be nice if Rabbi Shvei would do the same and not sit idly while Jewish blood is being spilled in Court a few blocks away, r”l.

    Not that the avaryonim will listen to any rabbonim, but at least they will have to stop claiming in public that they had some kind of heter from any Rov to press criminal charges and to testify in Criminal Court against other Jews.

  • me myself and i

    I finnaly realize this bigger picture.

    shomrim is not only defending themselves in this alleged case but in uncovering the truth of who has set this all up, based on the questions that the lawyers ask the bocherim, the truth about this case is out and who has told them what to say is also out.

    What you see above is just anopther axample how these same people have put out false statements from our rabonim and is part of a much bigger picture here of who is and who isnt a moiser

  • bring informers to din Torah

    Shomrim should take the informers to a din Torah for forcing them through this and for the lies.

  • Shmuely

    WOW – I am so happy that Rabbi Osdoba took a stand.
    It means the world to hear him say what he did.

    Finally there is substantial proof that the massering was pure lies and forbidden by the Rabbonim.

    Finally we can see the hidden agendas behind those masssering on the Shomrim Six.

    If any more pashkivillin or propoganda is sent out – we know who not to believe.

  • Eliyahu

    Too little too late. Sorry to remind all you Crown Heightsers, but when the Tzvatim first came in they were welcomed with opened arms because they were fighting the then hated Aguch and Krinsky.
    Clarity is important and the tzvaitm are just plain evil.

  • disillusioned in CH

    I am certainly no fan of Rabbi Osdoba, but why has he waited until now? Why didn’t he say all this months ago?

    This is the problem. They wait till their backs are against the wall, because until then, they are bent over in fear & corruption. Only when the wall is directly behind them are they forced to stand up & be honest & take a position. Obviously, Rabbi Schwei’s wall is quite a ways back. But again, I suspect I know which side he will take. The ones with the biggest flags & liars.

    I’m not a lawyer, but perhaps Rabbi Osdoba should be a defense witness.

  • facts

    disillusioned in CH wrote:

    i would say that since this never happend by jews

    no one had any idea that this nazi tzvatim or meshichinazim

    will go with this mesira but now its a fact and a leter is warented

  • Ad Mosai????

    I have just one thing to say to all those who are saying their opinion on the Rabbonim – “If you have nothing good to say, don’t say it.” If you don’t like a certain Rov, for whatever the reason, keep it to yourself. Do you really know the Rabbonim that you can say such things, or are you saying things based upon hearsay and the such? At a time when there are tzaros going on in Klal Yisroel, we have to unite and stand strong, not C”V be against people. May the zechus of our Shmiras Halashon be a protection for all things.

  • Moishe

    Maybe Sperlin will talk to Mayor Bloomberg by his Chanukah Party and take care of the court case. He won’t want to see the Shomrim end up like Rubashkin.

  • Shabbos Achdus?

    Will the Shabbos “ACHDUS” adrres this issue?
    Will they encourage the community to show support and come to court?
    Or will it be the usual bla bla bla, look at us we exist, we give food and drink yeee-haaa?

    Will there be an actual conclusion following an actual action towards actual Achdus?

  • Michael

    This whole episode is a symptom of a really serious situation
    in Crown Heights. The community unfortunately lacks real leadership and is therefore vulnerable to occurences of this type. I agree with the previous comments that the Tzfatim are a dangerous radical group. The fact that they do the Rebbe’s Inyonim such as Mivtzoim etc., doesn’t take away the fact that they are dangerous. I personally saw them doing acts of violence in 770.The problem is really at the top. Aguch and the Mashiachisten are at odds with each other-there is no Sholom Bayis-so these thugs cash in on it.