Menorah Parades Light Up Florida
Chabad lit up the streets throughout Florida and brought the joy of Chanukah alive to thousands, with several Menorah parades that took place in cities throughout the state.
The parades took place in Chabad of Satellite Beach under Rabbi Tzvi Konikov with 100 cars, Chabad of Kendall under Rabbi Yossi Harlig with 30 cars, Chabad of Bal Harbor under Rabbi Sholom Ber Lipskar with 100 cars, Chabad of Royal Palm Beach under Rabbi Zevi Shtroks with 25 cars, Chabad of South Orlando under Rabbi Yosef Konikov with 60 cars, and Chabad Russian Center of Sunny Isles Beach under Rabbi Alex Kaller with 35 cars. All were arranged by Rabbi Shmuly Gutnick of Chabad Youth Network.
Hours before each parade began members of the community drove in to receive a menorah atop their car along with a CD full of inspiring and enlivening Chanukah songs. Many parades had a police escort to lead the way, stretch hummers and double decker buses for all the Hebrew school students to ride in style.
The excitement and feeling of Jewish pride was in the air as the processions of cars drove through the streets. Bystanders waved and snapped pictures, children smiled as the cars passed and “Judah the Maccabee” juggled, while the rabbis danced.
Special Thanks to Dovi Calabro, Shneur Aharon, Orit Kattan, Yitzi Batt, Chaya Basya Gutnick, Dovid Gutnick and all the smicha bochurim from Boca Raton: Dovid Grossbaum, Levi Shemtov, Schneur Brook, Levi Farkash, Laibel Wolosow, Ari Trietel, Lavi Klein, Shmulik Fogelman, Zalmy Muskal, Sadya Lieberow, Menachem Rosenthal, and Dovid Lew.
shmulie lisbon
Go mendy sapo shalom Katz and yosef rice!! Keep up the great work I’m so proud of you.
And of course shikey as well!
yosef rice
It’s been awesome year @sholom katz@yosef rice
@shmuli lisbon…you guys are truly a bracha for the community. ..friends forever!!
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