First Ever Surfboard Menorah Down Under

A beautiful Chanukah celebration was held last week in Surfers Paradise, Gold Coast, Australia for the entire community, with a record large crowd of local and interstate participants.

Featuring the lighting of the first ever Surfboard menorah, by Rabbi Nir Gurevitch, built by Mark Foster, a spectacular fire show, many rides for the children and adults, BBQ, fresh donuts, music and dancing, raffle and more!

Two Shluchim from Sydney Yeshiva – AKA ‘The Macabees’, Chida Levitansky and Danny Winterfeld enthralled the children and brought excitement to all with their outstanding beat-boxing talent and energy throughout the night.

A number of dignitaries attended and gave tribute to the festival of Chanukah and its message, Mayor of the Gold Coast Ron Clarke and his wife, Councillor for Surfers Paradise Suzie Douglas, Councillor Don Crishlow, Members of parliament and others.

Current mayor of the Gold Coast Ron Clarke-former Olympian champion runner and torch lighter of the Melbourne Olympics in 1956, in transformation, lit the menorah symbolizing the victory of the Maccabees over the Greeks!


  • An Australian

    I have never heard about this or seen this anywhere else in Australia. It is the first.
    Great job!!! And much hatzlacha in all you do over there.

  • Steven Sachse

    It’s great to see that you are spreading the Hanukkah spirit; but I designed and built the Surfboard Menorah in Laguna Beach, California back in 2008 for the local Chabad, which has been up for the last four Hanukkahs. The Australians seemed to have copied my design (except ours was electric, enabling it to be seen all evening long). No worries, glad you liked our design enough to copy it, but PLEASE don’t claim to have come up with idea and be the first to have built it.

  • Read the heading!!

    Read the heading it says first in down under so think before you write!!