Universal Message Shines at Annual Menorah Lighting


U.S. Rep.-elect Cory Gardner lights the center lamp on the menorah Sunday during Chabad Jewish Center of Northern Colorado’s annual celebration in Old Town in Fort Collins as Rabbi Yerachmiel Gorelik, left, watches.

The lighting of the Hanukkah menorah has a universal meaning that reaches well beyond Jewish traditions, speakers at Fort Collins’ sixth annual community lighting ceremony said Sunday evening.

“If you believe that everyone deserves to live as a free person, then you believe in the menorah,” Mayor Doug Hutchinson told a crowd of about 200 gathered in Old Town Square.

Hanukkah commemorates the rededication of the Jewish temple in Jerusalem at the time of the Maccabean revolt. The menorah, the holiday’s most visible symbol, marks the miracle of one day of oil being made to last for eight days during the temple rededication.

While most Jewish holidays are marked in synagogues and homes, Hanukkah includes public menorah lightings because its messages – including the importance of religious freedom – are universal, said Rabbi Yerachmiel Gorelik of the Chabad Jewish Center of Northern Colorado.

“The light has a message that it doesn’t matter what sort of darkness

we go through, whether on an individual level, whether on a communal level, whether the world seems so dark, we can prevail. Even with a small amount of light, you can dispel a tremendous amount of darkness,” he said.

Rep.-elect Cory Gardner, who will be sworn in to Congress next month, also stressed the universal themes of Hanukkah.

“To each of you, as we light the candle, as we celebrate tonight, know that freedom and hope lives on, and that we will stand together throughout this season to make it a great year of peace, health and joy,” Gardner said.

Sunday was the fifth night of Hanukkah. Fort Collins’ public lighting of the menorah has traditionally been conducted on the first Sunday of the eight-day holiday.

The menorah will remain on display in front of CooperSmith’s Pub & Brewing through Wednesday.