LONG ISLAND [CHI] — Thousands of hockey fans were exposed to the miracle of Chanukah at yesterday’s NHL hockey game at Nassau Coliseum, where Chabad of West Hempstead hosted their annual Chanukah festival, Miracle on ice III.
Miracle on Ice, at an Islanders Halftime Show!
LONG ISLAND [CHI] — Thousands of hockey fans were exposed to the miracle of Chanukah at yesterday’s NHL hockey game at Nassau Coliseum, where Chabad of West Hempstead hosted their annual Chanukah festival, Miracle on ice III.
The event featured a public Menorah lighting ceremony out on the ice during the NHL major league hockey game, at the halftime show, with the Islanders vs. Flyers, which was witnessed live by the thousands in attendance, and the tens of thousands that tuned in on TV.
After the game a major Chanukah party got underway with sizzling hot Latkes and delicious jelly donuts at the coliseum expo hall that was followed by a Chanukah skate on the ice with joyous Chanukah music blaring from the coliseum sound system. To ensure all would be able to enjoy, a truck load of skates was brought in.
A booth for Menorah distribution, Tefilin, and Mivtzoim was manned by volunteers and staff of Chabad of West Hempstead where hundreds of people received Menorahs and put on Tefillin.
Chabad’s Friendship Circle was designated as the charity of the game. Raffle tickets were sold throughout the concourse and 50% of raffle proceeds went to the Friendship Circle of West Hempstead
The event was produced by Rabbi Yossi Lieberman of Chabad of West Hempstead and was joined by groups from Chabad at Hofstra University Rabbi Shmuli Lieberman, Chabad of Great Neck Rabbi Yossi Geisinsky, and Chabad of Roslyn Rabbi Yanky Reiter.
go chabad of nassau
go moshe a. and a. mat hermen!
proud 2 b chabad
it was a great kiddush hashem, pirsum neis and a great time was had by all. go liebermans ,go !!!!!!!!!!!!! meichayil el choyil
Canadian Lady
Wow looks like so much fun!
Very nice! A huge kiddush Hashem!
I just have 1 question: Why can’t someone do that here in MTL at the Bell center (this being a hockey town & all)?
Also, hockey doesn’t have a “half-time”…there are 3 periods.
btw whats the Nj devils mascot doing on the islanders ice (in the backround of two of the menora lighting picture).
Go Friendship circle of West Hempstead
the Libermans are The Best .
much success
Miracle on Ice
To the Canadian friend,
The reason you can’t have such an event in Montreal is because the people there are actually interested in the hockey team and gimmicks are not required to sell tickets. In fact, there is such little interest in watching the Islanders that all teams have agreed to end the game after the second period, which is why there is a halftime.
i was there
i was there -it was amazing-the sufganiyot and latkas were delish!!
my kids had an absolute blast skating
i hope they do this again next yr-were definately coming back!!
I was there
This was absolutely the most amazing Chanukah program ever!
Thanks to Chabad for getting this together
You can say whatever you want about the Islanders, remember as empty as it was there were thousands of people there and the post game stuff was spectacular.
Thank you guys again and keep up the good work
Happy Chanukah
an old sage
to #6 all the mascots were there b/c it was sparkeys birthday ( he is the islanders mascot )
u know who
zaidy lipskier looks on as his grandkids have a blastwhile the lord of hosts took time off from his busy schedule to teach his nephews how to skate,how sweet and touching!
go chabad of roslyn!
go habs go
and Chabad of West Hempstead too
Happy Hannukah
proud to know rabbi yossi
rabbi yossi lieberman-we know how hard you worked on putting all of this together-a west hempsteader is really proud to be part of your shul
keep it up!!
mitzvah tank
by the way-there was an awesome mitzvah tank right outside the coliseum asking pple if they were jewish and wishing everyone a happy chanukah -it was really nice!
happy chanukah everyone
Happy belated Chanukah! I love how s
omeone went on the Islanders ice in an Rangers jersey.