BDE: R’ Yakov Yisroel Reich, 76, OBM
With great sadness we report the passing of our dear father R’ Yakov Yisroel Reich OBM, a long time resident of Crown Heights.
He was 76 years old.
His father was a Holocaust survivor from Vienna who escaped to Switzerland where he was born.
He came to the USA to study and earned his PHD in Mathematics. He was a Professor of Mathematics at Baruch College for fifty years.
While studying in university he met and married his wife Esther. They moved to Crown Heights
During the 1980’s, with the Rebbe’s bracha, he ran Kehos. He established the ‘’Kehos Book Club’’ where people could pre-order Sifrei Chassidus and the Rebbe spoke about this Book Club at Shabbos Hey Teves Farbrengen 1992, Parshas Vayigash, that this helps with the Pidyon Shvuyim of the Sefarim. He received many brachos and encouragement from the Rebbe regarding his work with the Sefarim and this was one of his life missions.
In 1993, he started Otsar Sifrei Lubavitch, and continued to publish many Sifrei Chassidut. He saw it as his Shlichut to make Chassidus easily accessible to all people.
His home was always open and he welcomed thousands of guests from all over the world over the years. In addition, he did a lot of gemilut chasadim and he had a special Ahavas Yisroel.
He was very mekushar to the Rebbe and was zoche to have several yechidus with the Rebbe and had complete faith in the immediate coming of Moshiach.
He is survived by his wife Esther and their children: Efrat Edrey, Akiva Reich, Menachem Reich, Levi Reich, Chana Altman, Yehuda Reich and many grandchildren and a great grandchild.
He was predeceased by his son R’ Shmuel Reich A’’H.
The Levayah will take place tomorrow, Friday Morning, Hey Kislev in front of 770 at 10:45AM.
Shiva information to be announced.
Baruch Dayan Haemes – R’ Yaakov Yisreol ben Avraham Reich

He was from the very few people that were able to do hagbah on Moshiach Sefer Torah.
Interesting to note, his whole life was seforim.
And his shloshim will be ה טבת ….
Dovid Shmuel
BDE – an amazing person: thoughtful, logical, playful, strident in his beliefs and understanding of deep truths about life and human beings. A good friend who will be missed.
Such a Kind, Chassidishe Man
Baruch Dayan Hoemes.
A true Chassid umekushar. Loved sefoeim and hearing about miracles of the Rebbe.