Did the Rebbe Want Chassidim to “Ignore” (hesech hadaas”) Internet and Addiction Struggles?

In the third episode of “Ase L’cha Rav”, Rabbi Yitzchok Einstein is interviewed.

Topics addressed in this episode:

  • How does Rabbi Einstein understand the Rebbe’s opinion on this sensitive struggle and the tikkunim for it?
  • Has something changed in the way we should approach this topic nowadays?
  • Does Rabbi Einstein think that for a Lubavitcher to watch things like “Vayimoan” -videos on chizuk in this area would meet the Rebbe’s approval?
  • Who should not get married until they figure this out?
  • What are the steps in getting out of this?
  • Connecting exposure to smartphones and internet to this

    Rabbi Yitzchok Einstein can be reached to discuss struggles in this area and other topics
    Email: ymeinstein@gmail.com
    Phone number: (424) 354-9770

The podcast “Ase L’cha Rav” gives a voice to our Rabbonim and Mashpim

Rabbi Betzalel Bassman, together with Rabbi Levi Mishulovin take deep dives with Rabbonim and Mashpim on their backstory and what inspires them, and how we can live as inspired Chassidim in the 21st century.

Link to the episode on Spotify

Link to Apple podcast

A project of Kollel L’Rabbonei Chabad, Kollel L’lomdei Dach and Kollel Aliba D’hilichasa




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