Chabad Rabbi In Dispute With HOA Over Menorah In South Florida Community
A South Florida rabbi is in a religious dispute with his homeowners association after, he said, they are restricting him from expressing his religious views ahead of the Jewish holiday.
Rabbi Shmuel Hurwitz lives in the Embassy Lakes community in Cooper City, and he likes to have his menorah out year-round and play his shofar.
But this year, Hurwitz said, the community’s association told him he couldn’t do it.
Read More at WSVN
And why is that my problem?
The menorah is still up since LAST chanukah?! It’s 10 months since last Chanukah! It’s another 3 months till next Chanukah! Check the calendar! The upcoming Yom Tov is Rosh Hashana! I guess that’s why he keeps talking about “playing his shofar”.
Have you ever counted the shuls in Crown Heights that have their menorahs on public display year around?
It’s a symbol that most secular Jews recognize, and in times of urgency (a bris or cv”s death) the menorah might be the only thing that tells them “there is a Rabbi here who can help”.
Chani vee
Dear Shmully,
Please do not listen to the naysayers! You are of tough stock, and you can rise above this stupidity! Wishing you massive hatzlocha in all that you do, and may your peulos be matzliach as a Shliach of the Rebbe, and a shining example of all we do, and all we aspire to be. YOU ROCK!
And why is this my problem?