Jewish Federations of North America Stands Behind the Ukrainian Chabad Emissaries

Leaders of the Jewish Federations of North America made a dramatic visit to the capital of Ukraine, Kyiv. Mr. Eric Fingerhut, CEO of JFNA, said, “We are proud to be partners with the vital work of the Chabad Emissaries in Ukraine.” Fingerhut led a delegation of Federation leaders from across the U.S. to hear firsthand the challenges of Ukrainian Jewry.

In Kyiv, the delegation visited the Chabad educational center, Simcha, as well as projects sponsored by other major Jewish groups: the Jewish Agency for Israel, the JDC (Joint Distribution Committee), and ORT. David Heller, chair of JFNA’s national campaign, said, “We are committed to working together to help the Jews in Ukraine.”

At the Simcha Center, the delegation was greeted by children of the summer camp, visited the Simcha School, and saw the life-saving generators installed with the support of the Jewish Federation. They heard the stories of the Shluchim, including Rabbi Motti and Rebbetzin Devorah Levenhartz, and Rabbi Pinchas and Rebbetzin Dina Vyshetsky, who relocated their communities to Kyiv from Donetsk.

They were welcomed by Rabbis Shlomi Peles and Dovid Eliezrie of JRNU, the Jewish Relief Network Ukraine, which coordinates Chabad’s efforts in the country. They have been working side by side with Federation leaders to ensure that the Shluchim in Ukraine have the financial support needed for their life-saving work. Since the beginning of the crisis, JFNA has provided major funding to JRNU for the work of the Shluchim in Ukraine.

Mr. David Heller noted, “We are deeply impressed by the network of Chabad Centers throughout Ukraine.” Today, close to 300 Shluchim are dedicating their lives to the welfare of the Jews of Ukraine. The delegation also visited the Babi Yar Memorial and met with local government leaders, the Israeli ambassador, and the U.S. diplomatic corps.

Rabbi Eliezrie noted, “Coming to Ukraine at this time is far from easy; it entails a long train ride from Poland. The fact that this group of distinguished leaders made the trek during such a time is a testimony to their commitment to the welfare of the Jews of Ukraine during this difficult time.” As Eric Fingerhut told a local celebration sponsored by the Jewish Agency, “We were with the Jews of Ukraine before the crisis, during the crisis, and we will be with you after the crisis.”

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