Yeshivas TTL Queens Farbrengs In Crown Heights

While residing in Crown Heights, the Yeshivas TTL Queens Hanhala is seizing opportunities for Shiurim and Farbrengens with renowned Torah personalities and Chassidim in the Shchuna. Recently, our Bochurim have enjoyed:

– A special Farbrengen following the Lag Ba’omer parade, with Horav Yosef Yeshaya Braun, the Rav of our Shchuna. Celebrating together ‘Simchaso Shel Rashbi’ and the Matan Torah of Pnimiyus Hatorah.

– A unique Shiur by 770’s Gabbai, Rabbi Yosef Losh, Lichvod the Rambam cycle reaching Hilchos Kiddush Hachodesh, featuring engaging visuals and props to clarify the intricacies of Rambam’s Halochos and perspective on astronomy in Yiddishkait.

Our students will continue to benefit from inspiring Nigle Shiurim with visiting Rabbonim and influential Torah figures in Nigle and Chassidus, including: Periodic visits by Rabbi Sholom Dovid Geisinski, Rabbi Menachem Eisenman, and Rabbi Shmerel Matusof. As well as Nigunim with 770’s Baal Menagen Rabbi Mendel Reizes, and others!

These enriching experiences foster a deeper understanding and connection to Torah and Chassidus. Special Yasher Koach to the Menahel Rabbi Menachem Mendel Scharf for his tireless efforts.

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