3rd Annual Central Yud Shvat Farbrengen

With under two weeks until Yud Shvat, chassidim around the world are busy with preparations for the special day.

As Yud Shvat is Shabbos this year, NCFJE has announced that the annual livestream Farbrengen for Anash worldwide will take place on Thursday night, with inspiration to help us properly prepare for Yud Shvat.

Keynote speakers will be Rabbi Dov Greenberg, Shliach to Stanford University, and Rabbi Mendy Schapiro, Mashpia in Yeshivas Ohr Elchonon Chabad in Los Angeles, CA. The program will also feature beautiful niggunim, and the livestream will be hosted by Chabad.org.

The program will begin at 8pm EST, mark your calendar for an evening of inspiration you don’t want to miss!

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