Lubavitcher Baseball Team Takes Championship

Front Row – JJ Duchman and Isaac Marks. Back Row – Coach Mushy Fogelman, Mendel Fogelman, MM Shmuckler, Zalmy Dubinsky, Asher Sebban, Moishy Lipskar

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Los Angeles, CA — A group of Lubavitcher children headed by Coach Yitzchak Tenenbaum and Mushy Fogelman took the “Los Angeles junior baseball championship” this past week in Los Angeles, California. The children on the team are from various Chabad Moisdos, including Cheder Menachem, Bais Betzalel and Kol Yakov Yahuda – Junior Congregation.

Following their victory, Rabbi and Mrs. Mendel Dubinsky, proud parents of one of the winning players, arranged for a special children’s rally where players from the entire league gave Tzadaka, recited Tehilim, and were given forms for them to obtain their own letter in the children’s Sefer Torah.

A tremendous Kidush Hashem and Kiddush Lubavitch took place as parents, coaches, referees and parents from the entire league looked on. The rally was then concluded when one of the parents translated a Sicha from the Lubavitcher Rebbe – discussing the importance of being a “team player” in Avodas Ashem.

Players not in the pictured are:
Issac Rosenfeld
Nissy Naparstick
Shmull Lisbon
Shmully Thaler
Tuvia Marks
Yitzchak Tenenbaum (coach)


  • yaakov and chaya fweedman

    Uncle Zalmy we are tho pwoud of you! we cant wait for you to teach us the tricks of the trade!

  • Proud Spectator

    As a spectator, this team made a tremendous kiddush Hashem and kiddush Lubabavitch in the way they played and treated the opposing teams. As an example, one boy got out when he went over to an opposing player to apologize for bumping into him as he slid into the base. They always played with derech eretz and made a wonderful impression on everybody. Tremendout Kiddush Lubavitch!

  • LuighLuigh

    Lookin good zalmy! you did an amazing job! should I clap?! and remember, it is the team that plays the best that wins!! get ready for the major league next year!

  • Your NY cousins.

    Hey MM Shmukler, nice trophy you’re holding there, looking good, but why are you hiding your “turkah”.
    Keep on making us proud.

  • proud to be an american

    jj u should have got ejected u promised but wtvr nice job go yankees!!!!!!!!