Mr. Putin Sends Birthday Greetings to Chief Rabbi of Russia on his 55th Birthday
President of Russia, Mr. Vladmir Putin sent birthday greetings to Chief Rabbi of Russia, Rabbi Berel Lazar for his 55th birthday.
“You always work tirelessly for the development of Jewish life in Russia” – writes the President of Russia in his birthday wishes, which were also from the Prime Minister and other public figures.
“In honor of the Chief Rabbi of Russia Rabbi Berel Lazar, please accept my blessings on the occasion of your 55th birthday” began Mr. Vladimir Putin, President of Russia in his greetings to Rabbi Lazar in honor of his 55th birthday – an important and symbolic number in Russian tradition.
“You always work tirelessly and with great success for the development of the Jewish community in Russia. In the fields of education, welfare, and charity, your responsible and important activities are out of sincere concern for people and their needs. Your personal contribution to the strengthening of humanity has earned you a very good reputation. I wish you success in all of your endeavors, health, and all the best”. Thus concluded the President’s personal greetings to the Chief Rabbi which were sent to his offices in the well known Jewish Community Center in the Marina Roscha neighborhood.
Russian rabbis, heads of communities, and many public figures also sent their greetings, including Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, who writes: For the last two decades you – the spiritual leader of the Jews of Russia, have gained respect not only amongst Jews, but also amongst people of other religions. Your strong faith, knowledge and wisdom, allow you to always make balanced decisions, to successfully deal with the challenges of the times, and to overcome the obstacles with dignity. Thanks to you, in many cities of Russia there are now active synagogues, charity centers, schools, and Jewish community centers.
The Jewish community itself is celebrating the occasion on its Jewish date, with a large Chassidic farbrengen, with many different types of guests, who will express their appreciation and gratitude for the miracle of Jewish revival in Russia.