BREAKING: Mesivta Lev Temimim Lubavitch of Monsey To Shut Down Due to Lack of Funds

With almost no warning, Mesivta Lev Temimim Lubavitch of Monsey will be closing it’s doors within the week. The news was broken through a letter from the Rosh Yeshiva, Rabbi Gil Hami.


In a letter sent Monday, Mesivta Lev Temimim Lubavitch of Monsey informed parents with students in the Mesivta that the school will be closing its doors in one week, sending the students home in the middle of the school year.

The letter outlines the incredible financial obligations that the school holds, and places responsibility for the closure on his overestimation of parents to pay their tuition obligations.

The Rosh Yeshivah, Rabbi Gil Hami, writes that simple underestimation of the sheer cost of upkeeping the school placed the yeshiva in the predicament. He outlines the schools failed fundraising attempt, and tells of personal loans taken out to keep the yeshiva open.