Chevra Simchas Shabbos V’Yom Tov, Says Thank You
Dear Friends
We wish you a very Happy Pesach and hope that you are enjoying your time with family and friends during this special “Time of our Freedom”.
As Pesach comes to an end we at CSSY would like to thank all those who have so generously contributed to our Pesach campaign. Thanks to you over 300 families were able to enjoy Pesach and celebrate with their families. Over 2,500 pounds of Shmurah Matzah has been distributed, $125,000 in food vouchers were spent in Crown Heights stores and 150 families received special Pesach cash grants.
All of CSSY’s assistance is completely confidential and you therefore may not hear or see from those who are helped. Nevertheless they are your friends, relatives and neighbors – they are people you know and admire.
This is part of an anonymous message we received:
“…you helping with a very nice amount, you are doing it in the most respected way, (without making anyone feel ashamed of himself). Furthermore … you came forward with additional help!! And made sure that our family should have anything that we need for Yom Tov…”
This could not happen without YOUR support. These families rely on us and we rely on you for YOUR partnership in this great Mitzvah of Maos Chittim.
Please note: Everything has already been distributed and families have already shopped for Pesach needs, however vendors still need to be reimbursed and the outstanding bills to be payed. Your assistance is crucial and so appreciated. The Budget for Pesach is over $300,000 and we have not reached our goal. We are asking you to please step forward and help us cover our deficit so we can continue to help. We really need your support!
Make a secure donation on-line today at: www.CSSY.org/Pesach Checks can be mailed to the CSSY 593 Montgomery St Brooklyn, NY 11225.
Wishing you a Gut Yom Tov and Gut Shabbos
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