Fundraiser Launched for Chabad House in Kenya
As a part of the terrible event that took place yesterday in the Chabad House of Kenya, the local authorities took it with the greatest concern. The head of the criminal investigations office had a meeting with the Shliach, and updated him with the most recent updates on the ongoing investigation.
The details of the assault are still classified, but the police are taking the attack seriously and are working hard to catch the criminals.
The local Israeli ambassador, Michael Buzaglo, met with the Shliach as well, and discussed the options for increasing the security and the cooperation with the local authorities.
Rabbi Notik and his wife are thankful to the Embassy and the Israeli security personnel for the support and help.
A tremendous response from the international Jewish community has been forthcoming, in which many have gathered to support through a crowd funding campaign to upgrade the security for the Chabad House. In the remaining hours before Yom Tov the campaign is still on going and they are awaiting your support.
Click here to participate: https://www.charidy.com/chabadkenya.
After Yom Tov The Notick family will host a ‘Seudat Hodaya’ together with Mashiach seuda and the ‘Mimuna,’