Yeshiva Students of Moscow’s Tomchei Tmimim To Lead 70 Communal Seders in Russia
For many hours they sat and listened. Close to 70 students of Moscow’s Yeshivas Tomchei Tmimim attended a special orientation where they heard the practical and halachic nuances that will guide them in leading public seders in various cities throughout Russia on the first two nights of Pesach.
A special orientation day was organized for them in the hall of Moscow’s Shaarey Tzedek Chesed Center. There the students listened to various lectures that will prepare them for the important task of making communal seders, including how to kasher the kitchens and halls where they will take place.
Most of the students never experienced Pesach during their childhood. Their knowledge of Torah, halacha, and Jewish traditions comes from the couple of years that they spent within the yeshiva. After the orientation day, they left full of practical information and helpful tips on conducting communal seders which will host thousands of Jews.
The first speaker was Rabbi Berel Lazar, Chief Rabbi of Russia, who spoke about the great responsibility and privilege. He also mentioned the great care of the yeshiva administration who invests so much in the students all year round enabling them to travel on shlichus to places as far as an eight hour flight(!) away. Everything to ensure that not a single jew is left behind in the entire country of Russia.
Additional lectures were given by the Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Menachem Mendel Goldberg, the Mashpia Rabbi Reuven Kuravsky, and others.
Photos: Levi Nazarov