Prime Minister of Italy Meets with Chief Rabbi of Russia
The conversation took place in Italian, being that Rabbi Lazar was born in Italy, where his parents and brothers serve as Shluchim. The parties discussed a number of humanitarian and educational issues, cultural cooperation, and also addressed some of the pressing problems in Europe’s interreligious relations.
The Prime Minister of Italy expressed great interest in Jewish community life in Russia, and during the course of his conversation listened closely to the details about Jewish life in Russia as well as about programs for educating the younger generation and the necessary infrastructure for living a fully Jewish life in Russia today, which is run by a dedicated army of Chabad Shluchim. And I wish to thank him for addressing the anti-Semitism problem in Italy.
This summer, a special educational trip is planned for one thousand young Jews who study all year in the YaHaD program throughout Russia. Part of the journey will pass through Italy, and the Prime Minister was happy to hear about this. He promised that the Italian side will do everything they can to ensure that this part of the journey be comfortable and interesting for the participants, and Italy stands ready to assist them.
As part of the forum, Rabbi Lazar held a series of meetings with leaders of various religions for the benefit of Russian Jews wherever they may be.
The World Economic Forum has been held for 48 consecutive years, with the participation of statesmen, politicians, business people, public figures and journalists who discuss urgent global issues on the agenda.
italian speaker
remember rabbi lazar is a fluent Italian speaker as he was born in Milan.