Parents United for Cheder Chabad of Monsey Sponsors Teacher Award

A Kitah Aleph teacher at Cheder Chabad of Monsey has been named winner of a $1,000 teachers raffle. The raffle was sponsored by Parents United, a group of dedicated parents who came together to fund raise money, and donate their time to the school.


Rabbi Levi Rosenberg, a Kitah Aleph Rebbi, was named the lucky winner of an $1,000 raffle arranged for the teachers of Cheder Chabad of Monsey. The raffle winnings was presented by the Menahel of Cheder Chabad, Rabbi Levi Kaplan.

Rabbi Rosenberg is a senior Rebbi and long time teacher at Cheder Chabad of Monsey.

The award was sponsored by Parents United, a group of parents who came together to help the school by fundraising money and investing their time. Parents United made headlines when they successfully fund raised $120,000 for teachers salaries, thereby relieving a large strain on the schools finances.

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