New Kuntres Features Maamorim on Rebbes New Kapitel
With Chassidim and Temimim arounbd the world preparing for Yud Alef Nissan, the day we mark the Rebbes 116th birthday, Vaad Hanachos Belahak has just released a new booklet containing four maamorim beginning with the possuk “Halelu es Hashem kol goyim,” the opening possuk of kapitel 117.
To assist in these preparations, Vaad Hanachos Belahak has just released a new booklet containing four maamorim beginning with the possuk “Halelu es Hashem kol goyim,” the opening possuk of kapitel 117, which we will begin saying this Yud-Alef Nissan.
These maamorim, appearing here in a revised edition, were printed in the set of Sefer Hamaamorim published by Lahak, and have now been made available as a single booklet in honor of Yud-Alef Nissan.
These four maamorim were said on (or near) the Yom Tov of Sukkos, when seventy oxen were sacrificed on the mizbei’ach, corresponding to the seventy nations. This is reflected in the theme of kapitel 117, which discusses how “all the nations of the world will praise Hashem.”
The maamorim were said on the second day of Sukkos, 5726 (1965); Simchas Torah, 5726 (1965); Shabbos Chol Hamo’ed Sukkos, 5728 (1967); and the second day of Sukkos, 5731 (1970). The maamar of 5731 was edited by the Rebbe.
As an aid in learning the maamorim, the booklet also features a summary of each maamar.
The booklets are available for download via the following links:
Click Here to download the booklet in reading format
Click Here to download the booklet in print format