City Council Candidate Visits the Ohel

Ede Fox, Democratic candidate for City Council for Crown Heights, went to visit the Rebbe’s Ohel on the eve of the primary election. “The Rebbe continues to create a bond between so many people. I feel blessed that I had the opportunity to visit his gravesite and it was uplifting to pray at his resting place.”

Ede Fox drove to the Rebbe’s Ohel with Rabbi Mendy Hecht. On the way, they spoke about the Rebbe’s contribution to our country. He spoke about how the Rebbe helped turn Congresswoman Shirley Chisholm’s disappointment in being assigned the Agricultural Committee when she was first elected to an opportunity to help hungry people across the country. As a member of the agricultural committee Chisholm created both the WIC program and Food Stamps program. They had a long discussion about the Rebbe’s efforts to bring a moment of silence to schools across the country, and the significance of the Noahide laws and their relation to the Ten Commandments.

“After visiting the Rebbe, I feel more confident in the power of Crown Heights to rise above any division. At this moment in history, we need every tool to see each other’s humanity and to see the spirit of G-d in all of our neighbors. We have everything necessary to create a beacon of hope for the country.”

“The Rebbe is an inspirational figure for many in our neighborhood and around the world,” said Ede Fox. She hopes to make affordable housing in Crown Heights a primary mission in the City Council, which she understands was important to the Rebbe.


  • Raul Rothblatt

    Incredibly inspiring to visit and pray at the gravesite! And I am so lucky I got to go with my good friends Mendy Hecht and Ede Fox.

  • Vote republican

    I wish these politicians would stop sucking up to the Rebbe and then vote against his values.