Do You See the Full Picture?
by Dena Gorkin
Do you see the full picture? Take a second look.
It was my husband who introduced me to this image, painted by a French artist named Magritte, with the exclamation “That’s what you do! That’s Bnos Chomesh!”
And so the lesson for me as a parent and mechaneches was the reinforcement of our already solid conviction at Bnos Chomesh: Look at each child and see not what she is now, but who she is capable of becoming.
We presented this image to a group of generous donors who recently joined us for an evening of thanks in our newly purchased school building.
We explained that as educators, we mustn’t see a student for her current limitations, rather, we must paint each student as the artist paints the egg in the above image. The artist doesn’t focus on the fragile, colorless shell of the unhatched egg; He instead paints the unleashed potential of the animal inside it; He draws its wings, he gives it a bold color, and he breeds into the egg its unborn potential.
THIS is our job as educators.
We must look at our impressionable students and realize that we can hold the paintbrush to their future. We must see each student for the potential she possesses, and with that vision, we must put all our kochos into encouraging, nurturing, and shaping her as a Bas Yisroel, Bas Chabad and healthy, happy and productive young woman.
Prior to the short program, visitors were treated to a wine and cheese display, generously sponsored by BenZ’s Gourmet and Kosher Wine Direct, and a L’chaim was made for the growth of the school. Followed by a tour of the building that was purchased in February, Mrs. Nechama Chanin, school administrator, discussed the construction plans that were to begin the very next day. Indeed, there are currently new classrooms and offices being built for the imminent start of the school year.
In addition to the generous donors who attended the event, the school’s honorary board members, a parent representative, and a very special student addressed the crowd.
Salome Allouche, an 11th grader at Bnos Chomesh, gave an emotional address in which she spoke of her successes in our school and stated unequivocally, “if not for this school I would literally not be here today.”
Mrs. Henny Preger, mother of a 12th grader, described her daughter’s previous lack of interest in school and gratefully contrasted it to her experience at Bnos Chomesh.
To close the evening, Board member Yossi Stern spoke of his unwavering commitment to Bnos Chomesh, paralleled by the commitment of his fellow board members.
As we begin the new school year, we would like to publicly thank our incredible and generous community for making the purchase of our new building a stunning reality.
And to my fellow parents, teachers, and educators- as we embark on the first day of school today let us ask Hashem for the integrity, the insight, and the patience to hold our paintbrush steady, as we help our students hatch their eggs, open their wings, and soar to great heights.
With wishes of much Hatzlacha for the coming year,
Dena Gorkin
Principal Bnos Chomesh Academy
Video by Shevi Inc.
you guys are just unbelievable
please remember to treat the kids with challenges with respect.
education is second to being treated with respect.
a child will remember respect and associate that dignity with Torah. A child who learned under pressure and not respect, won’t have the same feeling.
A fellow educator
What an amazing lesson starting the new year. Thank you for sharing!
So nice
Glad to see this amazing school getting the attention it deserves! Keep inspiring our girls and teaching others how to do it!