Lubavitch Educational Center Buys New Building
CrownHeights.info has learned that Lubavitch Educational Center, the flagship school for the Chabad community in South Florida popularly known as L.E.C., has purchased a four-story, 48,681-square-foot building less than a mile away from its current location near North Miami Beach. The institution paid $5.1 million for the property.
The building is located at 1525 Northwest 167th Street in Miami Gardens, a city which is adjacent to North Miami Beach, where the bulk of Miami’s Lubavitch community lives.
The building was purchased from an affiliate of Accesso Partners, a private real estate investment trust based in Hallandale Beach, though the sale has not yet cleared records. The price breaks down to $105 per square foot.
L.E.C. will use the building as an extension of its school, a source said.
For a school that complain they have no money to pay there teachers they sure find money to buy buildings and waste it on stuff that it doesn’t need
Lec keeps growing
Wow! You just keep on growing! May you go from strength to strength!
Interesting as I thought they were bankrupt.
TO # 1 & 3
since you must have children in this school (seeing that you know how bad it continues to get), please feel free to send them to another school so you will have something else to complain about
Mazel Tov!!! This means that the school is growing bh and is continuing to flourish!! BH!!! Mazel Tov!!
Feigie Halsband
I am proudly sitting as an office manager at my desk in LEC, when an acquaintance calls me to read the article. Then I start reading the 3 comments and am shocked about the rubbish & lies that are being spewed from people who have ABSOLUTELY no idea of what they are talking about.
I got so enraged, that I have to write back. So let’s take one lie or insult at a time!
1) you claim that we have no money to pay our teachers:
Wow that is interesting because in the 13 years I have worked here, we have never gotten one check a day late, and none of our checks have ever bounced!! So wrong
2) you claim we waste money on things we don’t need and don’t pay our teachers..
Absolute hogwash!! As knowing a lot more than other people what goes on, there is absolutely no wasting that I have ever seen at all. Any and all money that has been put into this building is only for the kids benefits and needs, to give them a perfect learning and fun environment. So u don’t have a clue
3) we waste money and buy a new building, and we are getting worse all the time:
I’m actually cracking up, because u are so narrow minded!! If we were so bad, why does our student enrollment soar every year? And because of soaring numbers with many happy parents, we HAVE to buy a new building!!! We are not such a bad school if we have a tremendous return of families every year, and have new families calling every day!! We can’t even keep up with the new students and start organizing class numbers, because every day, me or another department are receiving new families begging to join our school. So read this carefully!!!
You better have a good comeback and know facts before you answer me in the negative!!
You must be one of the people who have nothing to do, to speak so much Loshon Hara. I proudly put my name with my words!! Why don’t you?
Oh, and another thing, I have personally worked with Rabbi Korf (our Dean) to help teachers financially (not in the form of a loan) as a gift. He has given many thousands of dollars to people in need! No questions, but does it immediately and makes sure they recive the money right away.. I happen to be in the business of helping people financially in my shlichus and in my School. Rabbi Korf does so much privately that no one has any idea about!!
I am an offended proud member of my school!!
Shame on you!!!
As a parent of LEC I’d like to thank you for your comments and for putting those irresponsible people (1,3,4) in place. It’s shocking that people who consider themselves chassidim would post in such a hateful and damaging manner. It’s an embarrassment that we harbor such individuates and I can only assume it’s being posted by haters of Chabad pretending to be Chabad. LEC is a model school that does Chabad Proud.
Another proud member of the LEC family and staff
Good for you Feigie. It is so sad that someone so ill-informed could feel comfortable enough to spew such malicious lies.
For 12 plus years, through times where many schools of all denominations were not able to pay teachers on time, LEC did not miss a paycheck. This was the result of sheer hard work and caring.
B”H, the school has experienced tremendous growth, thus necessitating the purchase of a new building. Again, not the easy route, but necessary.
May we go MeChayil el Chayil and have continued growth and hatzlacha in the new building.