Oholei Torah’s 8th Grade Celebrates Graduation
This past Sunday, parents and grandparents joined together to celebrate and schepp yiddeshe nachas as the talmidim of Oholei Torah’s 8th Grade graduated, culminating their studies in the Elementary Division.
The program began with the recital of the Rebbe’s capital, led by HaTomim Moshe Tzvi Goldberg.
Rabbi Hershel Lustig, Menahel, addressed the graduates with inspirational words as they prepare to move on to Mesivta.
He also shared some thoughts about Rabbi Levi Y. Schapiro, OBM, who served as assistant principal for many years, was devoted to his talmidim, and lived his life to do chesed for another Yid. “ והחי יתן אל לבו – on the day of his 27th yahrzeit, we can all learn from the middos that he personified and try implementing them into our own lives,” he said.
HaTomim Benzion Wolowik represented his fellow graduates in extending appreciation to all of the Maggidei Shiurim and thanking the yeshiva for imbuing within them the values which identify a Chasidishe bochur, as well as giving them a strong foundation in both Nigleh and Chasidus.
HaTomim Sholom Ber Felberman made a Siyum on Gemara Makos, which was learned and completed this past year.
Speaking on behalf of the parents, Rabbi Naftoli Silberberg spoke about the day’s HaYom Yom regarding the meaning of hiskashrus, learning the Rebbe’s Sichos Kodesh, and to continue giving the Rebbe nachas.
A choir of graduates led by Rabbi Shmueli entertained the crowd with several niggunim.
Rabbi Chaim Yisroel Wilhelm, Principal of the Eighth Grade, spoke about the importance of keeping in touch and staying connected with parents, mechanchim and friends.
Recognition was given to talmidim that do not live at home, and they received a special out-of-town award. The program concluded with distribution of diplomas to all the graduates. In addition, each received a sefer and memento of this past year.
Oholei Torah takes this opportunity to once again wish all of our graduates a hearty mazal tov, and to continue to be a source of Yiddishe and Chasidishe Nachas to the Rebbe, their parents and the yeshiva.
Big Z Schapiro
Mazel Tov have a wonderful Summer
What a great Pride for all of Lubavitch
Yeshar Koiach Gadol!!!!!!!!!!!