Two New Torahs Dedicated in Russian Cities
In honor of Shavuos two joyous Torah dedications were celebrated in two different Russian cities with Chief Rabbi of Russia, Rabbi Berel Lazar. In attendance were also Rabbis, the Torahs’ donors and families, community leaders and the cities’ proud Jewry.
The new Torah in Mitishi’s shul, an upcoming city neighbouring Moscow under the leadership of Shliach Rabbi Yochanan Kosenko, was donated by Reb Boruch Ben Zion Garelik, an integral leader in Mitishi’s Jewish community and growth.
Orenberg’s new Torah was dedicated by Reb Dovid Aminov, who flew in on a private flight from Moscow, accompanied by a large delegation and led by Chief Rabbi of Russia, Rabbi Berel Lazar.
The dedication followed a string of various events, including a Jewish family festival widely attended by Jews residing in Orenberg and its surrounding cities, led by Orenberg’s Shliach, Rabbi Goel Meyers.
Upon their arrival in Orenberg, the Chief Rabbi and the delegation were warmly welcomed by Orenberg’s Regional Governor, who proudly demonstrated the government’s assistance and support in the active development of the community’s Jewish institutions. The governor also pledged his continued support and praised Rabbi Meyers for his noteworthy activities, and thanked him for the incredible growth he had achieved in all aspects in Jewish life in Orenberg.
The delegation and guests then proceeded to a dedication ceremony of the Jewish Preschool Campus, which was recently renovated by the generous funding provided by Orenberg’s Ministry of Finance. Due to the incredible efforts and support granted, the preschool campus, an “Ohr Avner” educational institution, is now a beautifully and comfortably renovated home to the many Jewish children of the city of Orenberg.
The day’s events culminated with an impressive Torah Dedication ceremony. The procession began in the Cultural Institution of the City of Orenberg and ended in the Shul, located in the centre of the city. In attendance were the City’s Mayer, Deputy Governor, and hundreds of Orenburg’s Jewry, many of whom were experiencing a Torah dedication for the first time in the lives, resulting in a tremendously moving event in honour of their new Torah.
The correct way is to say sifrei Torah. There is only one Torah and bh many sifrei Torah