Long Island Cheder Girls Celebrate First Siddur Party
Chabad Chinuch for girls is flourishing on Long Island: The Cheder Chabad Girls of Long Island celebrated their first siddur party with much excitement.
The first graders of Cheder Chabad Girls of Long Island had an amazing siddur party prepared by their teacher Morah Yehudis Poller, with a cookie project, beautiful crowns with each girls name on it and cake.
After the parents and siblings were settled, the 1st grade girls sang the Rebbe’s kapital and the 12 posukim that they have memorized. They were each honored with their own Tehilas Hashem siddur with their name embossed on the cover. The girls did an amazing job and all the parents were very pleased by their daughters achievements on this special milestone. The girls are confident in their ability to daven properly and excited to use their new siddurim.
The festivities of the day continued with a pizza lunch and a mock wedding in honor of Yud Dalet Kislev which involved the entire school.
Chanukah brought lots of fun activities, including special crafts and a carnival run by the 2nd and 3rd graders. The highlight was a trip to Crown Heights and participating live in the Tzivos Hashem Rally and concert at 770. All students six years and older in Cheder Chabad Girl’s School Long Island are members of Chayolei Tzivos Hashem.
Cheder Chabad Girls of Long Island has had incredible success since opening its doors in September of 2015. Chavie Lieberman, Executive Director explains, ” We offer a comprehensive Lubavitch education in both lemudi kodesh and chol. Our teachers and administrators provide a warm and fun atmosphere conducive to learning. We have a very involved parent body with an active PTA. Our parents contribute their time and skills to enhance the learning of all of our students. The students have fitness sessions and science labs taught by mothers who are experts in these fields.”
Devorah Rosenzweig, Administrative Director adds, “We are holding an open house on January 9th, the same day as our Parent/Teacher conferences. We think it is a good idea for prospective families to have the opportunity to meet with current parents. Academic Director, Mrs. Shaina Gurkov, M.S. Ed. will be there to answer any chinuch questions, as well as the rest of the administration, to answer any questions prospective parent might have.
OPEN HOUSE: MONDAY, JANUARY 9TH: Cheder Chabad Girls of LI, located in Lynbrook NY, caters to Shluchim and Anash of Long Island and Queens. There will be an open house for prospective families for the 2017-18 school year grades pre1a though 4th grades, on January 9th from 8:00pm – 9:30pm. For more information call or text 516-447-1770 or email chedergirlsli@gmail.com. RSVP for the open house appreciated.