Shluchim Visit New Crown Heights Mikvah
On Monday, the final day of the International Kinus Hashlucim, Vaad Rabonei Lubavitch conducted a Yom Iyun (Seminar) on the issue of Building and Maintaining a Kosher Mikvah, as per The Guidelines of the Rebbe Rashab, which ended with a tour of Crown Heights’ new women’s Mikvah – Mei Chaya Mushka.
The Panel of Speakers were:
Rabbi Sholom Ber Levine, Head Liberian of the Rebbe,
Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Feigelstock, Rov of Kehilath Lubavitch Buenos Aires, Argentina,
Rabbi Elozor Raichik, International expert in Construction of Mikvaos.
They expounded, that to have a proper Mikvah according to the Guidelines of the Rebbe Reshab, you must have two main Components:
1. A Mikvah with a Bor Al Gabi Bor, the Mei Geshomim Holding tank is below The Bor Hatvilah (Immersion Pool).
And additional to the above You Must have:
2. An independent Otzer Mei Geshomim (Water Cistern / Reserve water Tank) to collect Mei Geshomin and have enough Mei Geshomin available to facilitate the Changing of the Mei Geshomim in the Bor Hatachton on regular Intervals. Doing this assures that there will be at all times 40 Seah of Original rain water in the Bor Hatachton.
Both of these components are an Integral part of the Mikvah, and only by Building a Mikvah with both of these components do you have a Mikvah as per The Instruction of The Rebbe Rashab, the way he built his Mikvah in Rostov, Russia, 98 years ago.
After the Seminar, the Shluchim had a Guided tour with R’ Elozor Raichik of the New Mikvah in Crown Heights – Mei Chaya Mushkah – the only Mikvah in Crown Heights that also has an Otzer Mei Geshomim.
R’ Elozor Raichik explained the intricate details of the Kashrus of the Mikvah to the fascinated guests.
New CH mikvah
Please post contact info/prices for the new mikvah so women can make appointments, etc.
Thank you!
is there a lubavitcher mikva
in north miami beach
i heard there was