Beth Rivkah Montreal Ranked 3rd Highest in Quebec
Beth Rivkah of Montreal has earned the third highest rank of all 459 schools, private and public, in the province of Quebec, and number one in the entire province for “improvement over the last five years”. This is based on an independent analysis conducted by the Fraser Institute (a research and educational organization), which took ten factors into account. The media, including a television crew, came to Beth Rivkah to cover the story.
“Special thanks is due to the entire dedicated staff and teachers, and our hardworking students, who are supported by a committed parent body and Board”, said Rabbi Yosef Minkowitz, longtime principal of the school.
Beth Rivkah of Montreal, which has an enrollment of over 500 girls, was established by the Lubavitcher Rebbe sixty years ago (5716 – 1956) with a handful of students. In 5729 (1969) the school moved to its newly constructed large building on Vezina St. A number of expansions took place over the following years. The basement and ground-floor were completely rebuilt, and an additional floor and new wing were constructed. This made space for additional classrooms, an expanded Resource Center, a gym, new lunchrooms and kitchens, an auditorium, a library, a Computer Room and Art Room.
well deserved
in caring they are #1
ty for all youve done