Pesach Sheini Is Father and Son day in Oholei Torah
The Mechina Division of Oholei Torah sponsored a Father and Son day in Yeshiva this past Sunday morning, Pesach Sheini. The day began with Chassidus, followed by shacharis. A buffet breakfast was served, and afterwards a video of the Rebbe was played. The fathers then joined their sons in class for a gemorah shiur, and then learnt in chavarus style.
During recess, a basketball game was played in the newly opened gym. Special raffle prizes were also given out to the talmidim.
Many of the fathers said that it was a wonderful way to see how the yeshiva functions on a regular day, and were most inspired by the dedicated staff and teachers of the Mechina division.
Rabbi Chaim Yisroel Wilhelm, Menahel of the Mechina division, explained how this father and son day gave the fathers a deeper appreciation of their sons day in yeshiva, and made Pesach Sheini so much more meaningful.
Rabbi Yossi Bryski, Assistant Principal, coordinated the event, and has been involved with many extracurricular activities benefitting the 8th grade talmidim.
Rabbi Wilhem also thanked the rebbeim of 8th grade, Rabbi Asher Oster, Rabbi Yitzchok Wolf, Rabbi Levi Feldman and Rabbi Yisroel D. Shmueli for their hard work throughout the year.