Mesivta Lev Tmimim Successfully Raises $320,000
Winding down its first successful year, Mesivta Lev Tmimim-Lubavitch of Monsey launched a campaign to set the foundations for its continued growth. The campaign was successful beyond their wildest imaginations.
On Chof Zayin Adar II they launched their 24 hour Charidy campaign. It got off to a strong start, but very quickly the momentum began to slow and by the evening the campaign seemed to have stalled.
The Bochurim remained on the phones all night, calling Anash and friends around the world in all time zones, and by the late morning, with just two hours to go, a miracle seemed to happen when they were totally inundated with incoming calls and donations. The campaign ended with an unexpected bonus round, exceeding their $300,000 goal by over $20,000.
With 539 online donors and many more offline, Charidy’s team said “the campaign’s outcomes showed that this was one of the most successful campaigns, along with the sheer number of donors which was higher than average.”
Rabbi Gil Hami, the Yeshiva’s Menahel, had this to say following the campaign:
“There are no words for me to describe the deep gratitude I am feeling right now. Gatitude to Hashem, to the Rebbe, and to each and every one of you. I am totally overwhelmed by the caring and sharing of so many people – family, friends, and even total strangers. You are all amazing! I am proud to be part of the Jewish people who are all so interconnected. We received so much support from all across the spectrum. Religous, non religous, Chassidim, secular, Lubavitchers, Israelis, Americans, Almuni and friends, and everyone else! Who is like your nation Israel! We are truly one people and the things that unite us are so much more and greater than our differences. Let’s unite to continue increasing in acts of goodness and kindness and overwhelm the world with holiness and goodness to bring Moshiach Now! “
Mesivta Lev Tmimim-Lubavitch is accepting applications for the year 5777 for Shiur Aleph and Shiur Beis. For more information, visit mesivtamonsey.org.
i thought that they closed down or that they moved out of monsey and moved to wilkes berry pennsylvania . ??
MOnsey had a mesivta 5 years ago that closed down. Nothing to do with Lev Tmimim or with Wilkes Barry.
We need more schools like this for today’s bocherim
to #1
You are indeed confused. This is a brand new Mesifta ! May they go mechayil el choyil !