Costume Sparks Terror Scare at Paris Chabad Shul
by Dovid Gold – VIN News
In a Purim gag gone horribly wrong, an unidentified 40-year-old Jewish man dressed up as an Arab, donned a red and white headscarf, and carried a Kalashnikov before bursting into a Chabad Lubavitch shul in Paris and shouting “Allahu Akbar” while still brandishing the weapon.
The man pulled off the tasteless stunt just two days after the terror attacks in Brussels. Though the shul was being guarded by soldiers, the man was still able to gain entry into the building, according to a report in the Mirror.
In an interview, the man told a Paris newspaper, “I wanted to lighten the mood. I think I made a big mistake. Purim is a special party where you can let go and drink. I had an Arab costume with a red and white headscarf and a Kalashnikov. Arriving at the synagogue, I told the soldiers that it was a fake. I laughed with them. I shouted Allah Akbar.”
The man was released by authorities and will not face charges, but is still being called an “idiot” by locals.
Idiot of the Year
I vote for him
what if he was in that building and someone else had done what he did? Would he have felt ok about that?
I doubt it. That is really beyond brainless.
Ingantzen tzudraight!
Ray Richardson
This guy is a real first class idiot!
Why would anyone stoop sooo low and disguise themselves as an arab? I don’t get it. same with jewish kids carrying guns, swords and the like. Never got and and never will! Who they trying to be like? What’s the yichus or the thrill to want to look like a murderer? What’s there to be proud of? Am i missing something? Anybody care to explain?
The guy is obviously not playing with a full deck of cards!
He’s lucky no one in shul had a licensed hand gun on him or he wouldn’t be here to tell the tale.
How dumb can one be.
It’s France. They don’t believe in the RKBA there. Or in free speech. But he’s lucky a soldier didn’t shoot him.
Esty B
He’s lucky he wasn’t tackled by the security guards or grabbed by people thinking the shul was under attack.
he is gut mishuge
but how did he get past the guards? that is scary
The article says how — he told them it was a costume. But it was negligent of them to believe him.
11 year old
was it a real gun?
Frenchman of the Year Award big idiot.
Looks like the next Darwin award candidate has demonstrated his readiness to receive his award!
Left Crown Heights
If that happened in California, all the Former IDF soldiers would have made sure he never celebrated another Purim. Scary he got in. Complete fool..