10 Years of Girls’ Chinuch Celebrated in Monsey

Monsey Anash and guests celebrated at a Tu B’Shvat Gala Dinner 10 years of chinuch at Monsey Beis Chaya Mushka Girls High School (MBCM). Despite the outside snow, close to 300 guests came to honor the school’s founding teachers and hanhala, who have guided MBCM for 10 years.

The emcee, well-known askan Rabbi Dudy Farkas, extolled the reputation of MBCM as a caring school, where the need to give each girl the tools she needs to do her very best is recognized and practiced.

Mrs. Gray, General Studies principal, made presentations to the honorees who are all the founding faculty who shaped the school into what it is today.  They are: Limudei kodesh principal Mrs Touger, Limudei kodesh teachers Mrs. Piekarski and Mrs. Wagner, and General Studies teachers Mrs. Engel and Mrs. Greenberg.

Rabbi Chaim D. Kagan, the founder and Menahel of  MBCM,  was then presented with a set of seforim. Rabbi Kagan, in his response, thanked and praised the entire MCBM ‘family’ for being one team, working effectively towards a goal of true chassidishe chinuch.

The emcee made a special announcement – the launch of a matching campaign. He turned everyone’s attention to the iPads on the table, where they could access a donation platform and take the opportunity to have their donation quadrupled by a group of friends of the school. The campaign will run until Rosh Chodesh Adar 1, with a goal of raising $100,000. Dinner guests were able to follow the rising total on the screens as donations were made.

During the main course, a heartwarming video of MBCM was shown.

The highlight of the evening was the Keynote address by Rabbi Yitzchok Schochet, who defied all the odds of the weather, flying from London, UK, and landing in JFK, some few hours before the dinner. Rabbi Schochet inspired all present by explaining the meaning of chassidishe caring and love, which are the hallmarks of Chabad chinuch, and telling a meaningful personal story illustrating the Rebbe’s concern for even a small child.

To learn more about MBCM, view the video and to donate to the Matching Campaign, visit www.monseybcm.com.

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