The Smicha Conundrum Solved: A South African Gem
A Lubavitcher Bochur is in a bind. He “graduated regular” yeshiva and is now looking directly at the goal of getting smicha. But he is faced with a dilemma, an existential conundrum of sorts.
On the one hand, he wants to continue to learn in Tomchei Temimim and “stick with the program.” He appreciates the value of serious learning of both nigleh and chasidus, spending time in a chasidishe environment, keeping his focus and energy in inyonei kedusha and the Rebbe’s inyonim.
On the other hand, he feels like he has “graduated from regular yeshiva”. Call it burnt-out or a motivation lull. Maybe it’s restlessness. He welcomes the change and challenge that smicha will bring, but he wants to graduate to the next level and begin applying what he has learned into real life. He wants to begin learning some practical halochos and even skills that will come into good use on shlichus. He wants to be actively involved with shlichus and mivtzoim work.
The Yeshiva Lerabbonus-Pretoria has been actively working to solve this conundrum for Lubavitcher Bochurim with a creative program that combines the highest standards of learning and chasidishkeit with practical application and skill-based training.
The Learning and Atmosphere:
Already having sat two farhers, the day now starts with a daily morning chassidus shiur given by noted mashpia Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Kesselman, and concludes with a nighttime seder chasidus.
The Yoreh-Deah seder is headed by Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Chaim Finkelstein, a Musmach of Reb Zalman Nechemia Goldberg, involved in practical Psak Halocha. Rabbi Finkelstein now gives a daily synopsis-shiur of material learned and a more expansive shiur twice weekly that deals with real-life scenarios and practical application of the halochos.
Beyond issur veheter, there are many areas that are crucial for rabbis in the field but are so often overlooked. There is a daily seder in Even Ho’ezer, with diversifying material as the year progresses, that addresses these important areas.
Rabbi Gidon Fox of Pretoria Hebrew Congregation and Menahel of the Machon Lehora’a gives a shiur twice a week on the practical, modern application of these vital Halochos that equip the students with essential knowledge and know-how that they are unlikely to get anywhere else.
Farhers are on a high level and based not just on understanding the concepts but on practical application of the material as well.
Smicha is given by leading Posek Rabbi Zalman Nechemya Goldberg and the Rabbonai Hayeshiva.
Chasiddishe farbrengens are frequent, and included as an essential part of becoming a Chassidishe Rov or Yungerman.
Smicha is not only about knowledge but about Ahavas Hashem and Yiras Shomayim. As a result, apart from serious learning, attendance at daily minyonim, and respectable hanhogo are expected from all bochurim and are part of the smicha process.
If austere living was one of the challenges in yeshiva until now, this Yeshiva provides excellent gashmiyus too, with brand new furniture, an on-site swimming pool, free laundry and ironing, and its very own chef.
If you are interested in more information about this Yeshiva and applying for next year please email smichapretoria@gmail.com.
It just kicks the can further down the road
a proud aunt!
Go shmuli Rosenbaum!!!!!
good luck
hatzlocho rabo in all your future plans.