Preparations for Yud Shvat Underway at Darchei
Talented Rabbis and CPDs (Co-Program Directors) Levi Druin and Lavi Klein are at the forefront of Wayz, Darchai Menachem’s revolutionary Enrichment Program. In honor of this year’s Hakhel theme, the dedicated CPDs have chosen unity-themed projects to enhance the students’ Jewish pride.
As a Hachana Li’yud Shvat, Darchai Menachem’s Wayz is proud to announce the launch of an original Campaign. In honor of, and in preparation for, Yud Shvat, the student body will collectively memorize the entire Hayom Yom. Each class will contribute to this goal, creating school wide unity. This project is in recognition of the well-known directive of the Rebbe to join together and learn a sefer by heart.
As a point of concentration, the Hayom Yom catches two birds with one net. Firstly, it inspires a deep appreciation for purpose in each 24-hour increment of life. Secondly, the Hayom Yom is easily comprehensible in English, providing the students with attainable resources in an independent, efficient manner. Each student is encouraged to learn at his own pace, on his own time, and in his own way, adding valuable contribution to the mass effort.
Darchai Menachem is a school of individualistic attention given in a professional and mindful manner. Each of the students is unique; it is precisely each boy’s individuality that unites Darchai Menachem into the force of passionate and positive energy that they are known for. From the moment the students walk through the front door of the school’s threshold, they receive an education worthy of the royalty they are, as crucial members of the Jewish People.
So… why the name Wayz?
Every educator tries his or her hardest to educate the children under his or her care in the best way possible. But there isn’t a good way, or even a best way. There is only the child’s way.
And when the ride gets rocky… Each of the students is empowered to never give up- there is always another way.
Wayz isn’t about the easier road. It is about the better road.
Zalmy Schapiro
I Spy Eli Sandhouse good job keep up the good work of your preparations
I am proud of that school. The respect and personal attention, the happy atmosphere. They don’t just ride on their name, they keep getting better and better.
G-d bless them, they are nachas to us all.
thanks YDM
Go Lavi Klein!!!
I love the school and all the great things they do, more power to you.
I just have a silly question as a matter of curiousity, you write in the article that this project is based on “This project is in recognition of the well-known directive of the Rebbe to join together and learn a sefer by heart” I never heard of such a directive from the Rebbe, can you please direct me to the source of such a directive.
The project is super great regardless so let not my question reflect in any way shape or form as disapproving, Au contraire, I also want to learn something new.
Thanks and good luck in all your wonderful work.