School Prints Miami Gardens’ First Tanya
Following the directive of the Rebbe to print Tanyas in cities and locales worldwide, it was time to elevate the city of Miami Gardens with a Tanya printing. Uniting all department heads and staff members of the Lubavitch Educational Center (LEC), a coordinated and well planned effort was underway to create an event that would surely bring nachas to our Rebbe, and make Miami earn its nickname the Yerushlayim Shel Chutz L’aretz.
When the day arrived, the school’s 1,200 students, faculty, adults, local rabbonim, shluchim and supporters and came together under LEC’s outdoor tent to carry out the Rebbe’s directive. The audio recording of the Rebbe speaking about the Alter Rebbe’s Gaon Yakov and the power of tefillin inspired the participant as they awaited the big moment.
With standing room only, the Dean of the Lubavitch Educational Center, Rabbi Bentzion Korf, opened the event by welcoming all those present. Mr. Leonardo Farkas, a supporter of many Chabad activities throughout the world, was honored with the first printing. He personally distributed chocolate Chanukah gelt to the teachers and staff to given to each student. Dr. Ephraim Mayberg, also a supporter of Chabad activities, was honored with the next printing.
Guest speaker Rabbi Yossi Harlig, shliach of Chabad of Kendall, spoke of the importance of a Tanya printing and what it was like growing up with 4,000 Tanyas lining his household bookshelves. A moving story of the Tanya printed in Iran kept all engaged and interested.
Rabbi Avrohom Korf, head shliach to the State of Florida, continued with a brocha for the students, and the school for continuous growth and nachas.
Rabbi Yehuda Leib Schapiro, Rosh Yeshiva of the Yeshiva Gedolah of Greater Miami, taught Perek Lamded Beis from the newly printed Tanya, as the students sat excitedly learning from their very own new sefer.
Rabbi Mendy Dechter, head of Friendship Circle Miami, and Rabbi Mendy Katz of Chabad Mid-Miami Beach joined the gather to show their respect and honor to the event and to the students and staff.
The Twelve Pesukim were then recited at what was probably one of the largest Hakhel rallies ever in Miami. With great emotion and inspiration the program ended with the boys singing Podo B’shalom Nafshi.
Special thanks go to Mrs. Chaya Sara Dalfin, Mrs. Sara Rosenfeld, Mrs. Shevi Sossonko, Mrs. Esther Wilyamosky, Devorah Leah Korf, Chanie Dalfin, Esther Zuker, Mushka Mann, Chanie Schaprio, Mr. Shauly Snovsky, Sholem Kleinman, and the many others who helped ensure the success of the event.
A special thanks to Amir Ben-Ishay and World Trade Copier for his company’s time, effort, energy and generosity during this project. The over thousand copies of the Tanya are now continuously being printed on school grounds and will soon be shipped out of state for complete hard cover binding.
That’s my school