Yeshiva University gets Chabad Chassidish

Photos by Rochel Spangenthal

The fact that there are no official campus Shluchim at Yeshiva University does not mean that there is no Chassidus. The student-run Chabad Club at Stern College for Women has been extremely busy this semester with events such as trips to the Ohel, weekly Tanya classes, and guest lecturers.

Rachel Ramras, the liaison between the club and the administration, was a bit confused when she heard that she was in charge of Chabad Club. “Honestly, I had heard of Chabad, but I had no idea what it was or what it meant.”

And Chabad Club is here to help.

“In addition to general confusion about what Chabad is, there are unfortunately a lot of stereotypes about Chabad that exist,” says co-president Rochel Spangenthal. “Many students think that Chabad is only relevant to people who are not yet frum or that we are some sort of strange cult. We endeavor to break those misconceptions by creating events that appeal to a wide variety of students and expose the student body to the awesome potential and beauty of Chassidus.”

An Ohel Trip in the beginning of the year attracted many girls who had been to the Ohel, a few who were curious to see what it was all about, and a fair amount of girls who attended because, “my mother told me that I had to go.”

When Margot, the president of the Torah Activities Council at Stern, was asked to help facilitate the funding of a bus from Stern to the Ohel, she was doubtful that the event would be successful. She was surprised when the bus filled. “Who knew there were so many people interested in Chabad? It was one of the most beautiful events I have ever attended. As in line with Chabad’s mission statement, everyone was extremely friendly and caring.”

In addition to Rabbi Alter Metzger’s Chassidus classes, weekly Tanya classes are offered for girls who want to ‘do something useful with their lunch hour.’ One of the girls who attends the class weekly said that, “I love having some Chassidus in my day. My rabbi back home is Chabad and it’s so nice to be reminded of that outlook every week.”

At a recent lecture by the masterful Rabbi Simcha Weinstein, over 80 Stern girls were treated to laugh-out-loud lecture about Jewish Humor throughout history and a full Tiberius dinner. Tova Shulamit Ross joined the event at the insistence of a friend. Afterwards, she contacted the club heads with the feedback that, “the speaker was funny, vibrant and knew his audience. I came for the food, but stayed for the Rabbi!”

In honor of Yud Tes Kislev, Rabbi Manis Friedman arrived to give girls a paradigm shift in their views on the topic of ‘Intimacy for Dummies.’ Elementary Education major Perla Mainkhor sat spellbound among the 100+ attendees. As she waited to speak to R. Friedman after the event, she said that the event was, “refreshing and eye-opening; it’s such a unique and interesting way to look at relationships, intimacy and marriage. It was such an honor to sit a few feet away from Rabbi Friedman – it was my first time hearing him speak and it is one that I will always remember.”

Shayna Mazal, an Economics major, could not believe how many girls attended the events. “You never see that many girls at club events! Unless they are offering free t-shirts or something. It’s because you guys market it in such a way that make it seem like your events are only there for our benefit and if we don’t go, we miss out.”

The activities of the Chabad Club do not remain in the school building. With the approach of Chanuka, the club is gearing up to organize Chanuka Mivtzoim for the second year in a row.

Last year, over 150 menorah kits were purchased and distributed by the women at Stern College. “Beyond all of the learning and the speakers, we create opportunities for girls to go out and actualize all of the concepts that are being presented. We organize Neshek and menorah Mivtzoim to give girls the opportunity to become sources of light and goodness in their own right.” Says co-president Chaya Schreiber.

Eliana Hendler, an essential member of Chabad Club, sums it up: “With the upcoming holiday of Chanukah, it is more apparent than ever that we are Lamplighters. All of these events have ‘lit us up’ and added light to our lives. Now, the time has come and it is our turn to go and light the lamps of others.”

Chabad Club would also like to thank all of their generous sponsors as well as the numerous Rabbis and Rebbetzins who donate their time and energy to spreading the light of Chassidus at Stern. Special thanks to Yael Hurwitz and Shterny Boteach for fantastic flier designs.

If you would like to get involved, please email