Shluchim and Anash Will Unite This Yud Tes Kislev

In honor of the 200th anniversary of the Alter Rebbe’s passing, Shluchim and Anash around the world are joining in and dividing learning his central works: Tanya, Torah Ohr, Likutei Torah, and all volumes of the Alter Rebbe’s Shulchan Aruch.

At this year’s Kinus Hashluchim Part One ‘simple!’ In every shliach’s Kinus handbag was a valuable blue folder stamped with the silver emblem of Beis Medrash L’Shluchim (BML) that included one part of the whole chaluka. Organized by the BML achdus learning, this chaluka was set up l’iluy nishmas Sami Rohr OBM.

Now part two is ‘up!’ Shluchim sign up to the Shluchim Exchange online chaluka by choosing a chelek of the Alter Rebbe’s Torah that is different than the one they received in their Kinus bags. (For example: if a shliach received Chassidus in his kinus bag, he would choose nigleh online.) (Shluchim sign in here: TANYA | SHULCHAN ARUCH | LEKUTEI TORAH)

For The Chalukah including all Anash click HERE

To make Part One a reality, sets of seforim were “unbound,” divided by siman, perek, or mammar, and then combined and labeled. Here is a small glimpse into this process.

Let us hope and pray that this study initiative of the Rebbe’s spiritual army should strengthen the success of the physical army in Eretz HaKodesh in all its endeavors.


  • WOW !- brother

    Thats lots of work!

    to put together a perek in Tanya, you would need two pages from different prints! (some are Bach To Back)!

    Some simanim in SHulchan Aruch are 2 on one page!!

    Proud to be a Brother of a Shliach

  • Michoel Dovid

    This is great! Thank you for putting something together. Also, thank you for making this available to anash as well. I signed up this morning.

    A Good Yom Tov!