Boys Awarded for Excellence at Yeshivas Erev Finale
The Lubavitcher Yeshiva Simcha Hall on Crown and Albany in Crown Heights was swarming with hundreds of boys this past Thursday evening, 17 Sivan, ready to receive their long-awaited “sefarim vouchers” that they earned this year by attending Yeshivas Erev Yehuda Kalman.
Rabbi Z. Sorkin, the dynamic coordinator of Yeshivas Erev, opened up the grand finale with words of praise for all of the boys that devoted every evening of the week to further themselves in Limud Hatorah – some reviewing their gemara, others joining the Mishnas Gavriel Project, still others doing their homework and some learning Mishnayos and Tanya Bal Peh.
An amazing “kitzur” project was launched in our Yeshivas Erev by Rabbi Shimon Aaron Rosenfeld in memory of Rabbi Y. K. Marlow.
Every evening after completing their homework the boys learned together 14 simanim in “kitzur” not covered in their regular school curriculum. After completing each siman they would answer questions and then be tested.
All boys receiving 100 % and above got a cash award of $25, while those receiving 80% or above were given $18.
The following boys were the top winners of the “Kitzur Project”: S.D.B. Baruch, Aryeh Meshulovin, M.M. Paris, M.M. Rosen, M.M. Simcha Schwei, Matisyahu Gershowitz, Lipman Heller, Yisroel Lewis, Mendel Moya, Pesach Chaim Newman, Yosef Kagen, Binyomin Liptzik, M.M. Fellig, Levi Yitzchok Goldberg and M.M. Elewitz.
When Rabbi Wolf of Lubavitcher Yeshivah addressed the boys, they were mesmerized by his description of how valuable their Torah learning really is.
Rabbi Sorkin then thanked all of the Mashgichim and older Bochurim for their great devotion to the boys that made this year such an outstanding one. He presented each of them with a beautiful gift as a token of appreciation
The evening was also the climax of the Shabbos K’halacha project of 5775 where the boys reviewed all of the Lamed Tes Milachos and Halachos in the Shabbos Guide from Rabbi Yehuda Kalman Marlow, OBM.
The following boys were the top winners of the Shabbos K’halacha Competition: Meir Avtzon, Mendy Berkowitz, Shmuel Vilenkin, Ari Mishulovin, Sholom D.B. Felberman, Menachem Mendel Rosen, Sholom Guttblatt, Reuvain Brenenson, Mendel Weiss, Mendel Teichman, Pesach Chaim Newman, Avrohom Sorkin, Mendel Hertzel, Shneur Gerlitzky, Nachmun Mattles, Sholom Ber Baruch, Avremel Labkowski, Levi Yitzchak Osdoba, Shimon Goldstein, Shneur Zalman Schapiro, Eliyahu Chaim Fischer, Menachem Mendel Goottblat and Dovid Segal.
They were each rewarded with a set of Seforim.
Finally the evening was concluded with presenting to each of the boys that attended the Yeshivas Erev with a “sefarim voucher” to be cashed in at Kehot. The amount each boy received was based on his attendance and accomplishments during the past year.
Yeshivas Erev will continue iy”h this summer in the Agudah Shul on Crown Street, every evening from 7:00 P.M.
A special thanks to all of Yeshivas Erev’s supporters, who share in the great mitzvah of Talmud Torah of our children.
The Students make the school ! Kol Hakavod !
Eli u rock the house!
Best teacher eva
lets support this amazing organization