A Tradition Continues in Oholei Torah Mesivta
Following a tradition of 25 years, Oholei Torah Mesivta, led by Rabbi Zushe Wilhelm, had a campaign to finish the entire Mesechta of the year ba’al peh, which this year is Meseches Gittin.
Of the 160 Talmidim in the Mesivta, the vast majority learned and completed the Mesechta as a part of the curriculum. A group of 60 Talmidim who started learning the Mesechta ba’al peh were tested throughout the year, daf by daf, by the magidei shiurim and yeshivah staff. Many finished half to three quarters of the Mesechta ba’al peh and 15 talmidim finished and were tested on the entire Meseches Gittin B’vas A’chas (at once).
Recently, the group went to be tested by Harav Hagaon Reb Gavriel Zinner of Boro Park, together with Rabbi Zushe Wilhelm. The talmidim were asked all types of questions from throughout the whole Mesechta.
Rabbi Zinner said how nice it is to see that the Talmidim use their own time to give the Rebbe such nachas, as the Rebbe mentioned in 5729 (1969) ”Why is there not a big tumult of those Talmidim who learned 100 Blat Gemorah Ba’al Peh.”
Rabbi Wilhelm bentched his talmidim, saying they should all grow to be Lamdonim, Yerei Shomaim and true chassidim, giving nachas to the Rebbe, their parents and Klal Yisroel.
Mendel Schapiro
We’re so proud of our cousin/ nephew, Mendel Schapiro!
May you continue giving the Rebbe ,your parents and entire family much chasidishe nachas!
Anita Roes
Congratulations with this great accomplishment.
Menachem Mendel
mazal tov
, this is hope ,
we mis you in maastricht,
for your hole familie,
Mazal tov ,
we hope to see you again in Maastricht