Morristown Yeshiva Launches Masters Program
Two U.S. Army chaplains, Colonel Rabbi Jacob Goldstein and Rabbi Sanford L. Dresin of the Aleph Institute, came to the Rabbinical College of America in Morristown, NJ. They addressed the students at Yeshivas Tiferes Bachurim, which is initiating a brand new Masters program, starting Rosh Chodesh Ellul of 5775.
The program, directed by Rabbi Yaakov Wagner, aims to offer a Masters Degree and a full Rabbinical ordination. The program will be linked with various avenues of Parnoso, specifically in the field of Chaplaincy.
“From the inception of Tiferes in the summer of 1972 the Rebbe strongly encouraged us to help facilitate our graduates with livelihood opportunities.” said Rabbi Moshe Herson, Dean of Rabbinical College of America.
This trail-blazing program will be the first of its kind for students from non-traditional homes. It provides a rigorous curriculum starting with Alef-Beis culminating with developing the skills and knowledge to become a full-fledged Rabbi. It will also be unique in offering a separate Jewish Leadership Diploma. This course will recognize a student’s proficiency to build a Jewish home and be a leader in a Jewish Community.
(Prospective students from non-traditional homes with prior Yeshiva education will be able to join the program as well.)
Uniquely, the program will not just be focusing on academics, rather it will be specifically geared towards guiding the students towards future careers. The goal is for the Semicha to be recognized as a degree which can be applied towards various professions. Relationships have been established in a number of fields such as hospitals, the military and with business professionals to offer training and network opportunities for the students after graduating.
Applications are now being accepted at www.tiferesonline.com/apply.
Photos by Mendel Grossbaum
Way to go Tiferes!
I learned in Tiferes over ten years ago and I’m still in touch with the Rabbis and follow a seder of learning that they recommend!
Did the yeshiva ever have a masters program? did anyone graduate Tomchei with a masters? I’m just wondering if this is a first for the institution….
a graduate
fantastic , so needed and innovative !!
Long over due and awesome that it’s finally being fine. Kol hakavod and hatzlocho rabo!!!
Isn’t it ironic…as they dwindle down to nothingness in Tomchei…
This would also be a good start “upstairs” along with letting kids do smicha either in, or right after shiur gimmel, so they can try and get themselves a career path/track before they are 22/23 and dating…
Yes, the children from “traditional” homes should also have the chance to participate in the program to gain smichah and serve the country.