Sandy Doesn’t Faze Lubavitch Yeshiva of Monsey

Despite losing electrical power due to Hurricane Sandy, it did not faze the Bochurim in Lubavitch Yeshiva of Monsey. With electricity and water being shut off for 3 days, the Yeshiva Davened and learned by the sunlight from the windows.

This past week was a bit busy with the storm happening around, however every precaution was taken to make sure the Bochurim were safe at all times.

Starting about midday Monday, the Bochurim stayed in the dorm after regular morning seder due to high winds and heavy rain. Flashlights were brought over as well as food in case of an emergency.

The Menahelim were there in the dormitory to daven with the Bochurim and make sure they were alright. The dorm counselor and Shluchim stayed with them throughout the night, dedicated to taking care of them throughout the storm.

Tuesday morning when the storm had passed and it was safe to go outdoors, the Bochurim had rides to the Shul for Shacharis and Iyun seder.

Being that there was no electricity or running water in the dorm, they were housed in the Menahel’s apartment for lunch, afternoon seder and onwards, where they ate, learned, davened, and were able to shower.

Thank g-d with all the electricity up and running, LYM was able to resume regular seder on Sunday morning.