New Replica of 770 Coming to UK
Yeshivas Lubavitch of Manchester has been granted planning permission for the redevelopment of the Beis Menacham School at Park Lane, Broughton Park, to provide a 20,000 sq. ft. yeshiva, school and Shul.
Work on Yeshivas Lubavitch Manchester will start in July, at a cost of more than £600,000.
The site is currently occupied by the OYY Girls School, which will move into its new 10,000 sq. ft. facility on Bury New Road in autumn 2015.
The man behind the building campaign is Manchester businessman Mr. Zalman Klyne, together with his wife Risa. “This is a big change in the Manchester community. It will change the face of our Yeshiva and its students,” Mr. Klyne said.
Mr. Klyne also pointed out that green light to begin the building was such a wonderful way to conclude the Yeshiva winter zman, following the unbelievable Purim Mivtzoim, where over 7,000 people across greater Manchester and beyond where inspired by the bochurim. With visitations to Houses, Hospitals, old-age homes, lonely individuals, elderly & infirm, universities, Small communities and Prisons. Communal Parties and events for children, teens and families were also organized.
“Following the Shmura Matzah distribution where our bochurim delivered over 2,000 boxes of Matzah to Manchester residents, what better time to start building!” he exclaimed.
Euan Kellie Property Solutions advised on the planning application to Salford City Council.
Euan Kellie, director, said: “Gaining planning permission for this important new community facility is the conclusion of a complex but rewarding project with Beis Menacham and the Yeshivas Lubavitch Manchester. The new facilities being created are of international significance.”
Designed by Stockport architect Cartwright & Gross, with input from construction consultancy MJ Newton, the new Yeshiva, school and shul will welcome up to 200 students in total.
Gary Scorah of Commercial Properties acted on behalf of Beis Menachem and the Yeshivas Lubavitch Manchester.
big mistake
the shul and yeshivah should be kept separate.
rabbi wolberg!!!
best rosh yeshiva!
i never learned more than in my year in manchester.
and the mashpiyim reb yitzchock and reb berel, such humble people, genuine and real.
as i grow older, i only appreciate them more.
a bochur
i hope the yeshivah does well.
all the hanhola should get along, and respect each other, without jealousy.
hatzlocha rabba
the best hanhola in the world.
rabbi m wolberg is best teacher and rabbi a cohen the best fundraiser.
you should go michayil el choyil.
Wonderful news for a wonderful community, minyan and yeshiva. The biggest Lubavitch milestone in years! Can’t wait to see the results
This is truly the greatest milestone for the Manchester community and for the yeshiva
A current bochur
Thank you zalman, risa and the whole hanholo
Only 15 years after the rest of the World started doing it… And they say Manchester is behind the times…
beautiful building
from when shneur moved to town, things started moving in the right direction.
number 2
what about reb leizer? i loved his fabrengens
Mazal Tov
Mazal Tov to all those involved. A huge Yasher koach to Zalman and Risa for all their support, and to R’ Sholom Weiss who gives his heart and soul to the yeshiva daily since Day 1. May you go m’choyil el choyil with contained hatzlacha.
Rabbi Cohen shlita
What would manchester be like without r cohen 30 years of successful shlichus……..wow manchester before london???? moshiach must come…
Boruch Hashem they have Rabbi Walberg, the rock of the Yeshiva.
Best yeshiva ! Et u do is the best .
Much hatzlocha!!
Mazal Tov Rabbi Weiss and Zalman and Risa may Hashem continue to give you strength to continue your amazing work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
since rabbi cohen became head shliach
things are good.
truth is, that hes much better at this than at being rosh yeshivah.
great work.
Jewish Robot
They should call it 007 ;-)
B"H Shehechiyonu
WITH THE BOCHURIM AT THE FOREFRONT in the last couple of years B”H Manchester has seen unparalleled success in all areas, Hafotzas hamayonos, Hafotzas hayahdus, the stabilizing of the moisdos and has gained tremendous respect from every segment of the Manchester Jewish community.
Now these new buildings will take this to a whole new level.
Thank you to the Bochurim, Thank you to the staff and thank you to all those involved. you are mekadesh shem Lubavitch
Amazing yeshiva staff
With folly’s farbrengens, berels amazing Chassidus shiurim, reb yitzchoks guidance, rabbi wolbergs clarity in nigleh, reb leizers wealth of information in every area and the rosh yeshivas shiurim and all night long farbrengens – I am so privileged to learn in this amazing yeshiva
Thank you
I: the one & only
when i look at this yeshiva i think to myself. can i rally call it “this”? becuse in my eyes this yeshiva is completly transendent, its as if it was the only yeshiva!!!
now that i am alumny i look back at all the hard wook that ” i ” put in to the yeshiva & say thank you rebbe for making it the spectaculer succes that it is. sometimes i even think to myself is there eny room for emprovment?!
thank you rebbe for guiding me to the best yeshiva ever !!! but espeshely i would like to mention
r’ yitschak he is leterely & i say literely “eber gegebun” to the bochurim in the warmest way ever. thank you for being there as the pillar of suport that you so very were!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!