Family, Friends Gather to Remember Nadiv
Amid the grief and emotions that poured out following the passing of Nadiv Kehaty, his family, friends and fellow congregants of Itchke’s Shteibel organized an event of support in his honor and memory.
The event was addressed by the Shul’s Rov, Rabbi Chaim Fogelman, as well as noted lecturer and former teacher of Nadiv, Rabbi Yossi Paltiel, who gave words of Chizuk.
Rabbi Yosef Menachem Fishman of Areivim USA addressed the gathering to explain how the program works. The crowd then heard from Rabbi Yaakov Klar, associate director of the crisis Intervention team at Chai Lifeline, who been at Oholei Torah over past few days talking to Nadiv’s children’s classmates.
Rabbi Fogelman concluded the even by telling the crowd that “Nadiv is with us and his neshoma lives on.”
Almost 100 people tuned in as well to a live broadcast of the event online.
Mendy and his shleikes. Wish to see you at simches.
I Love Bklyn
Where is this shul what street between where & where is it.
This took place in Itchkes Shtiebel.
sitting at home at 2 am, cant sleep, got on line to see the latest, been watching this for the last hour.
inspiring, emotional & touching.
Rabbi Yossi Paltiel, you a gem, the light in a dark room. the hope and guidance in a lost world we live in,
your thoughts your feelings that you share we take to heart,
Your suggestion of greeting a stranger, a loner, someone who many dont care about who dont look at, and are unconcerning for, is powerful,
in the beginning of your speech you needed to whip your eyes, that touched me, your sincerity your honesty and realism moved me,
however your suggestion gave me the need to grab my own tissue, (much needed). I see it on 2 levels, When was the last time I was nice to a total stranger, a smile a good morning a comforting word, perhaps assistance as needed, when was the last time I stopped pulled myself away from my phone from my self-centeredness and looked at others, those that yearn for attention because of their loneliness, and the feeling of why others dont pay attention to me in my own loneliness,
How sad but true, You Yossi had the courage to stand by the podium and express this in a strong way, with confidence and chassidishkeit.
many thoughts and words are here at the moment, but one I shall share with you…..
Didn't watch the video yet
Coming to Kan Tzivah after being away for many years, I was greeted by a young woman with a hearty “Gut Shabbos” on my way to 770. I answered her, confused as to whom she was mixing me up with. But then another, and yet another lady and girl greeted me and it hit me that this was a new and heartwarming practice. Since than I’ve been back many times and practice it myself in my mokom Shlichus and Crown Heights. Thanks to whoever initiated this.
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