Lubavitcher Honored for High Scores in Bar Exam
This past Wednesday, Velvel Freedman – a graduate of Chabad Yeshivos – was an honored speaker at Florida’s Third District Court of Appeals after obtaining the highest score on the bar exam in Miami-Dade and Monroe counties.
Mr. Freedman’s story begins in early 2009 when he was learning for Smicha. Freedman decided he wanted to go to law school. After some googling, he realized he had to take the LSAT (law school admission test), Said a source close to Freedman.
The LSAT is a standardized exam that measures logical reasoning ability. It’s graded on a scale from 120 (the lowest possible score), to 180 (the highest possible score). In order to go to law school you must take the exam. The test is known as the “gatekeeper to law school” because its difficulty prevents many students from attending law school.
After studying for the test, Freedman scored a perfect 180 on the LSAT. A perfect 180 is a very rare score. Out of the 150,000 test takers, only about 30 students score a 180. A yeshivah student scored higher than most Ivy league educated Yale, Harvard, and Princeton trained graduates!
Based on his stellar LSAT score, Freedman got accepted to Columbia Law School, where he excelled and graduated with honors as a James Kent Scholar (one of Columbia’s highest academic honors).
After moving back to his native Florida, Friedman passed the Miami-Dade bar exam with the highest score in the county.
This past Wednesday, the Third District Court of Appeal held a swearing in ceremony for the students that passed the bar exam; Freedman was a featured speaker, and was the source of tremendous Kiddush Hashem.
Two Comments
A) Freedman the father didn’t to score a 180 to wear a long black coat.
B) Major Kudos to Reb Velvel, may he serve his chosen profession honorably, and do us all proud. But let’s not kid ourselves. The peleh is that Velvel did so well DESPITE going to Chabad Yeshivas, not because he went.
Two Comments: I don’t know understand comment “A.”
I know Velvel – kids wicked smart.
Jeffrey Andrew
Mazel Tov!
The NYC Cousins
Did he ask a mashpia before he went to college? As a Lubavitcher and a as a Lubavitch website, that should be part of the story.
Heard He’s working at Boies Schiller and Flexner? That’s impressive.
miami class mate 07
good job buddy!
Two Comments:
two number two. I missed a word. it was an attempt at a joke. I meant to say the father didn’t NEED to score a 180 (to be like the judges in the picture) and get to wear a long black cloak.
He grew upin Florida, learned to read and write! Had he learned in OT he would have a serious writting disability that would impair his intelligence from actualizing.
The issue is not “CHOL!” Wrriting is a human faculty that MUST be developed!
A mench vos ken nit shrieben is a halbeh mench! (reb YisroelJacobson a”h)
He went to law school married. Didn’t the rebbe say that was OK?
By the way, I was a classmate of his. He had very limited לימודי חול. Only 1st, 2nd, 3rd grade and some basic English in 7th and 8th. He always opted for the חדר program.
Also, that’s not his father. That’s his father-in-law.
Hashem Yorachem
We need someone like him to take on Rubashkin’s case! Maybe then we can get justice!
Really Impressed!
Boies Schiller! Wow! That’s a really high powered elite law firm!
Baruch Hashem! Lubavitchers should use him!
Who-s talking?
To # 9:
I think we found someone with a serious writing disability.
In one sentence you write “writting disability”. In another sentence you write “wrriting disability”. REALLY?
Oholei Torah is NOT al taharas Hakodesh!
these days OT does not follow its own founding mandate!
it fails to teach even a single language (not Yiddish nor LH”K)
the top leadership of OT is completely resistant to implementing the Rebbe’s clear Takanos!
namely to teach at least one language well!! be it English, Yiddish or any other!
OT’s stubborn rigidity results in teaching NO language well!!!
there are other schools that follow the Rebbe’s guidelines & the results show!
He-s Matzliach bc he has sayata d-shmaya
i knew Velvel for years nd he doesn’t pass a day without chitas!
i also remember him to be in regular consultation with Yedidim Meivinim (aka Aseh Lecha Rav)so that every major decission he does has the Rebbe’s blessing therein!
His Hatzlacha is due to the fact that he’s a Mentch! nd a yorei shomayim & chossid!
he’s never too arrogant to consult his Aseh Lecha Rav!!
people should learn from him! that if you implement the Rebbe’s M.O. you will see Hatzlacha!!
Kol Hakavod Velv
thats not his father in the picture
why do you assume he would have done any diffrently had he gone to OT
Its amazing he did what he did why cant we just be happy for him.
2 commnets
1. kudos to the father for wearing a black kapote. Can someone illuminate me and explain why his son could not do the same?
2. one hopes that this website will one day feature a top notch lubavitcher lamdan who is head and shoulders above anyone in learning
What a Kiddush Hashem!
Living proof yeshiva is a good education! Go Velvel.
know him since we where 9 years old he has a great gemara hed
and in school he would go to the chader classes not to the English class,he only want to college after he got married and Smicha
Velvel keep it up we !!
Velvel is one of several Tomchei Temimim educated students to be admitted to Columbia University School of Law. I believe that there is one there now who is set to graduate in May.
To #6
Indeed correct!
to 9
yes a mentch vos ken nit shribben LASHON HAKODESH is a halbe mench!!
numebr 8 hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To #15
It’s not just Reb Velvel’s admittance to Columbia Law. He’s proven he’s not a one trick poney. He’s been successful over and over. a 180, admittance to Columbia, graduating with honors, highest grade on the bar, and working at a really prestigious law firm.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s great that Lubaivchers are at Columbia – but their mere admittance to Columbia, while laudable – is not newsworthy.
Lets see if they are also able to obtain what he did… IYH they will!
@ 15
Yea, but he’s a transfer. Still great, but not the same as original admittance. :-)
I know them all...
That whole family is smart. The Freedman’s are probably one of the smartest families in Libavitch….
In The Know
Number 1, that’s not his father. It’s his father-in-law.
Number 17:
He’s a lawyer. He has to wear the uniform of a lawyer. When he goes to shul,and other appropriate times – he wears a sirtuk.
Why doesn’t a doctor wear a sirtuk to surgery? Use some sense! A professional must respect the court and wear what is accepted (as long as it doesn’t violate halacha to do so).
To number 25 and number 26
@25: I believe the other Chabad guy at Columbia also worked at a top white shoe New York law firm and is invited to return there after graduation.
@26: What do you suppose it takes to get in as a transfer student at Columbia?
Sister of the Genius!!!
Gooo Velvel!!! you’re an absolute genius! and you’re my brother!! :)
The Chossid pictured is Velvel’s father in law, R Noach Bernstei
to 29
he is in a ceremony, not in a court case (after all they would not let infants in a real trial) Why can’t he wear at least a white shirt/black jacket? I know frum doctors that wear such when seeing patients in their office
Krechme to# 10
Typical! A shtech with no substance. btw are you of ehteh russian Lubavitcher, uber frumeh, descent, or a product of the farbiseneh rousisheh yeshiva – a.k.a OT?
(Supported by kind-hearted poilisher)
Fed up with Farchinyuked Ignoramuses.
To #33:
You’re an “am haaretz” and you talk too much!
First, “they” would let any member of the bar try any case.
Second, people like you cause a chilul hashem. As a professional you have to dress apropriately. Look at any lawyer, they all wear suits. Why don’t you tell a soldier to wear a white shirt, not his uniform!?!
Think before you speak!
@ 30:
I heard Columbia only accepted that guy because they were so impressed with Reb Velvel! Baruch Hashem Velvel’s making a big kiddish hashem wherever he goes. Lets daven this kid doesn’t mess it up!
A Shliach
You are all off base! The point is this is a “yoonger mann” we can all be proud of! Shep nachas! Show your baalei batim! Be proud of tomchei temimim!
I heard his Mashpia told him to wear a blue suit! :-)
Argue with that morons!
Kudos to Velvel for a job well done!
@36: You are privy to the considerations of the admissions committee at Columbia Law School? If you are, perhaps you should get a job consulting with prospective students.
Additionally, there are two Lubavitchers at Columbia currently. Neither went to the same yeshiva as Velvel (Miami). I suspect that each one of them probably got in on his own credentials and siyata diShmaya, rather than on Velvel’s coat tails.
At 30:
Ok, so he TRANFERED to Columbia and might work at a good firm. No 180, no honors yet, no astronomically high bar grade.
To transfer to Columbia it takes among the best of the mediocre law students at a shop like Brooklyn Law School. Not nearly as hard as an original acceptance; or a 180 where you are the best out of all law students. Everyone knows transferring is the easy way in.
Why dont we stay focused on the news? This guy didnt something great! Other people should stop riding his coattails in the comments, like they probably did into Columbia University School of Law.
Columbia University is an Ivy League School. The Best of the Best. Anybody criticizing this man is clearly jealous and/or ignorant.
Mazal Tov! We always knew he was a special boy!
-Old Timer friends
Go Rabbi Yonah and Keren Blum, the Rebbes shluchim at Columbia University. They are the greatest…..
i like #15
kurtz un sharf
Chaim Berol
I’m just glad he was a source of tremendous Kiddush Hashem
Known him since he was seven :)
Really late just saw this now. Yasher koach velvet I’m not one bit surprised. We always new you’d be a lawyer and on the top of the line :)
-one of your car pool buddies from stop and buy ;) ;)