Chassidim of All Stripes Flock to Hear Mashpia

Rabbi Itcheh Ofen, Mashpia of Yeshivas Toras Emes-Chabad in Jerusalem, farbrenged Wednesday night at the Sukka of Rabbi Werner in Monsey. The Farbrengen drew a large crowd and lasted until the wee hours of the morning.

Rabbi Werner, the head Shliach of Monsey, NY, has been hosting the annual Sukkos Farbrengen for over 35 years. Throughout the years many different Chasidim and Mashpiem have been brought down to lead this Farbrengen. During the last decade it has been Rabbi Ofen.

Two years ago history was made, when Satmar of Monsey’s large Sukka hosted the event.

The property of the Beis Medrash Vayoel Moshe of Satmar, the location of the Farbrengen for the past two years, is directly behind the old Lubavitcher Shul in Monsey during the 1970s and ’80s. Once a place where the boundaries weren’t very peaceful – to say the least – between the two communities, it was truly a remarkable turnaround and a clear indication of the strides Lubavitch and Satmar have achieved in recent years.

This year though that Sukka was not built, and the Farbrengen returned to its original location.


  • Tzfati

    The OTHER Yeshiva in which Rabbi Ofen is a Mashpia was conveniently not mentioned…